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Animation in flash. Frame-by-Frame Animation An animation is made from a series of framed images displayed one after the other to create the motion. Flash.

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Presentation on theme: "Animation in flash. Frame-by-Frame Animation An animation is made from a series of framed images displayed one after the other to create the motion. Flash."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animation in flash

2 Frame-by-Frame Animation An animation is made from a series of framed images displayed one after the other to create the motion. Flash provides several methods for creating animation. You can create an animation using frame-by-frame method, in this procedure the content is redrawn on each frame with slight differences from the last frame. When these frames are played in sequence, there is an illusion of movement.

3 Frames and Timeline

4 Keyframes Blank Keyframe: A blank keyframe shows on the Timeline as an open circle. It means that there is no artwork on the Stage at that frame. Keyframe : A keyframe shows on the Timeline as a solid circle. This means that there is content on the Stage. Frame : You can have a different number of frames on different Layers Clear Keyframe : This erases the keyframe from the Timeline. Remove Frames: Select the frames you wish to remove and choose Right Click > Remove Frames.

5 Pause frame - is added as last keyframe in a sequence of static frames. Playhead - represents the frame which content is displayed on the Stage. Static Frames - represent a unit of time. They add time to an animation. For example, if you want an image to remain on screen for a longer period of time, then you insert frames (static frames) into the timeline. Frames not in animation - are the cells beyound the last frame of the animation. You can't move the playhead beyond the last frame in your animation.

6 Ways to create Frames in the Timeline Right-click on a cell in Timeline and choose: Insert Frame (for static frames), Insert Keyframe or Insert Blank Keyframe Or with shorcut keys, click on a cell in Timeline, then press: F5 (Static frame), F6 (Keyframe), F7 (Blank Keyframe)

7 Important Points When you insert a Keyframe, in the Stage of this frame is copied the content of the previous Keyframe. When you insert a Blank Keyframe, it creates a frame with a blank Stage. Keyframes can be Selected, Moved, Deleted, Copied, and Pasted to and from any Timeline in your Flash movie or between different Flash documents.

8 Playing an Animation on stage The simples way to test an animation on the Stage is by pressing the Enter key, or click Control -> Play Another way is by using the Controller panel, which can be opened from Window -> Toolbars -> Controller. Using these two ways its play animation in flash workspace

9 Playing an Animation in Flash Player Another way to test an animation : Select Control -> Test Scene

10 Animation By Tweening

11 Types of Tweening Tween - To generate intermediate frames in an animated sequence so as to give the appearance of smooth movement Tweening is an animation technique that creates the necessary in between frames based on a starting and ending frame. Methods used to give an Animation. Classic Tween, Shape Tween and Motion Tween you create the first and the last frame, then the Flash application makes the connection between them, creating the other frames automatically.

12 Classic Tween Classic Tween is applied to a single object and allows animation between two different colors and shapes. Creating a Classic Tween A classic tween connects two keyframes, it can be created in three steps. Create the first keyframe with the object you want to animate. In other Frame create a keyframe with the same object. Select the object in the first keyframe, then click Insert -> Classic Tween.

13 Reverse animation To reverse an animation, select the beginning and ending frames and then select its frames, then click Modify -> Timeline -> Reverse Frames

14 Shape Tween (Morphing ) Morphing is a special effect in animations that changes (or morphs) one image or shape into another through a seamless transitionspecial effectanimationsimage Using the Flash authoring tool you can create frame-by-frame animations, motion-tweened animations which are created by specifying the first and the last frames only, and dynamic animations that are generatedmotion-tweened Flash can create morphing animations, in which you specify the first and the final shapes so that all the frames in between are created by the authoring tool. This is called Shape Tween.

15 Tween Flash can only tween vector shapes. Bitmaps, fonts, and all other objects such as symbols will have to be converted to or broken into vector shapes for flash to be able to motion tween them.

16 Shape Tween (Morphing ) Shape to shape


18 Shape Tween (Morphing ) Text to text

19 Morphing Texts The main limitation on the morphing effect is that it works only on vector shapes, which in reality is the reason of why it actually works. This means that blocks of text will not automatically work when put in a shape tweened frame. To use text you will have to convert it to basic vector shapes, this is easily done by breaking it up. This is done by selecting the block of text and going to Modify > Break Apart.

20 Shape Tween (Morphing ) Image to image

21 Morphing Bitmaps Images imported into flash in any bitmap format will not be capable of being used in a shape tweened frame. This means that JPEGs, GIFs, PNGs, or whatever image format you use, it will not work in a morphing animation because they are not in vector format. The Flash authoring tool can convert bitmaps to vectors for us. The command is readily available under Modify > Bitmap > Trace Bitmap. Tracing a bitmap will convert our image into a vector image that can be used normally in a shape tweened frame

22 Frame by Frame Animation

23 Classic Tween

24 Shape Tween

25 Motion Tween A motion tween is a type of Flash-generated animation that requires the use of symbols and is best for creating movement, size, and rotation changes etc. Creating animation with Motion Tween First step in creating an animation with Motion Tween is to convert into a Symbol the object you want to animate. You can tween position, scale, rotation and other transform effects applied to symbols instances and text fields. You should have only one object on the Stage when you apply the tween. After you add a Motion tween to a Layer, Flash changes it to a tween layer, which you can no longer draw on. A tween layer can contain tween framespans, static frames, and actions.

26 Motion Guide Create our own path In layer 1 Create object In layer 2 create path Now make Layer 2 as guide layer (by right click -> guide) Add key frame in both layer Drag down layer 1 in to up layer 2 (Layer 2 symbol is change like half arc ) Create classic tween in Layer 1


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