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Presentation by Vickie Cochran Waynette helms Inga schorn.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation by Vickie Cochran Waynette helms Inga schorn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation by Vickie Cochran Waynette helms Inga schorn

2  Go!Animate is a web tool used to create animated videos.  Introduction to Go!Animate Introduction to Go!Animate

3  Go!Animate Basic allows the user to create short, animated videos to communicate ideas and information.

4  Start by choosing either Quick Video Maker or Full Video Maker.

5  Next, we choose a theme.

6  Follow the prompts on the screen!

7  Free Go!Animate Basic Membership includes limited characters, scenes, and privacy.

8  $355.00 Go!Animate for Schools Membership allows for 5 teachers and 200 students access to secure site and a large number of characters and scene selection.

9  Each implementation is a private, secure “wall garden”  Student videos cannot be found from the public internet  Student videos cannot be published publicly, without teacher approval  School home page cannot be found unless specific address is known  Students cannot surf public video sites from within G4S  No integration with social networks  Go!Animate never takes student email addresses or contact information

10  Go!Animate ensures that all characters, backgrounds, props, etc. are school-safe. Guns, alcohol, etc. are filtered out  Teachers may opt to pre- moderate all student work prior to publishing to ensure appropriate language, imagery, and terminology

11  Teachers can divide the students into classes and/or workgroups  Student video distribution can be limited to the class/group from which they are published  Great way to block younger kids from seeing the videos of older kids


13  Go!Animate can be teacher created for use as a review or lesson summary.  Review of Periodic Table Review of Periodic Table  Students can also create their own video to demonstrate mastery  Dividing Decimals Dividing Decimals

14 Students today have never known a time without the internet. They use it daily and rely on the internet for information and communication. According to Greenhow, Hughes, and Robelia (2009): Today’s youth are frequently creative, interactive, and media oriented; use Web 2.0 technologies in their everyday lives; and believe that more use of such technologies in school would lead to increased preparation and engagement (p. 247). Greenhow, C., Hughes, J., & Robelia, B. (2009). Learning, teaching, and scholarship in a digital age web 2.0 and classroom research: What path should we take now? Educational Researcher, 38, 245-259.

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