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Hot SAT Words Lessons 11-20 LESSON # 19 Praise Respect How WONDERFUL you are!

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2 Hot SAT Words Lessons 11-20

3 LESSON # 19 Praise Respect How WONDERFUL you are!

4 ACCLAIM V. To express strong approval or praise; hail

5 ACCLAIM He’s an accomplished artist, ACCLAIMED by all the critics.

6 ADULATE V. To praise or flatter too greatly; fawn over

7 ADULATE Sean received the ADULATION for being both the school’s valedictorian and outstanding athlete.

8 ESTEEM v. To value highly; to have regard for

9 ESTEEM Ms. Boyd was ESTEEMED by both her employers and her colleagues for all her hard work over the years.

10 EULOGIZE V. to praise, as in a eulogy to say good things about

11 EULOGIZE The introduction sounds like a EULOGY. While full of praise for the author, it is written in the past tense as though he had already died.

12 EXALT v. To praise or glorify; toi lift up in status, dignity, power

13 EXALT Once EXALTED by the Russian people, Stalin is now a devil in their eyes.

14 EXTOL v. to praise highly; laud

15 EXTOL EXTOLLING the efforts of students motivates them to keep up the good work.

16 LAUD v. to praise; extol

17 LAUD The LAUDITORY comments on the back cover suggest that this is a terrific book.

18 PANEGYRIZE v. To praise a person or event in a formal speech or in writing; to praise highly

19 PANEGYRIZE Before presenting the award, Miss America PANEGYRIZED this year’s winner.

20 REVERE v. to regard highly with love and respect

21 REVERE The Joads REVERED the land, but the landlord didn’t care how much they loved it. He chose to evict them.

22 VENERATE v. to feel or show deep respect for, especially due to age or tradition; to honor

23 VENERATE Most religions expect believers to VENERATE old customs and traditions.

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