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CM104-05 Unit Two Writing Assignment Reflective Essay Topics (choose one): An experience you’ve had related to crime that has impacted who you are as an.

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Presentation on theme: "CM104-05 Unit Two Writing Assignment Reflective Essay Topics (choose one): An experience you’ve had related to crime that has impacted who you are as an."— Presentation transcript:

1 CM104-05 Unit Two Writing Assignment Reflective Essay Topics (choose one): An experience you’ve had related to crime that has impacted who you are as an individual An experience that changed or influenced the way you view the criminal justice or legal system in America An experience that led you to the career path you’ve chosen

2 CM104-05 Unit Two Writing Assignment Requirements and Expectations : A cover page in APA style, 10-12 pt. font (Arial, Courier, or Times New Roman are acceptable fonts) A thesis statement that clearly addresses your experience A clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose At least five (5) concrete details which support your perspective Correct grammar, punctuation, etc. Ordered, logical, and unified writing that is original and insightful Superior content, organization, style, and mechanics

3 CM104-05 Unit Two Writing Assignment Title of Paper Student’s Name CM104-05 Dr. Vicki Hill Date Submitted

4 CM104-05 Unit Two Writing Assignment Reflective writing occurs when you analyze and write about what you have learned or experienced through an interaction, an event, or an observation. Good reflective essays require plenty of concrete detail to make sure your audience understands and appreciates your experience. The biggest pitfall of reflective writing is to simply describe what happened to you. It is important to remember that you must discuss what you learned from the experience as well as what happened.

5 CM104-05 Unit Two Writing Assignment Reflection writing is commonly constructed as a narrative. Some common features: Often written from the writer’s viewpoint, so first person (using “I”) is common and acceptable. Usually written in the past tense about completed actions. Usually includes some conflict or problem and explains how it was resolved. Usually organized chronologically (according to time): first, next, then, finally Usually ends with a summary or conclusion that points out why the narrative is significant or important to the writer.

6 CM104-05 Unit Two Writing Assignment Writers often use memorable experiences to teach the readers values and life lessons. Narrative writing usually includes the situation (background information), conflict (why it is important), struggle and outcome (how the issue is resolved), and meaning (how the experience relates to the larger issue of your topic). Some helpful tips: “Tell” your story as if you were talking to someone; you can worry about the finer points of the writing (grammar, style) after you’ve got the basic story on paper Include lots of details; describe situations and people fully so that your readers can easily picture what you’re writing about Keep your main idea in mind as you write; the thesis or focus of your essay should be clear to the readers at all times.

7 CM104-05 Unit Two Writing Assignment Purpose: Why are you telling this story? Does the experience you’ve decided to relate fit the requirements of the assignment? Does your essay make a clear point?

8 CM104-05 Unit Two Writing Assignment Details: Make your descriptions and narration as specific as possible by using concrete words choices Choose details that are relevant to the “lesson” of the story “Show” rather than “tell” whenever you can.

9 CM104-05 Unit Two Writing Assignment Telling: When my brother John saw the Yankees play, he was happy. Showing: John’s eyes lit up and the broad curve of his lips told me that he was going to enjoy this show. The Yankee pitcher could walk every player and my brother wouldn’t care—he was finally here, at a real baseball game where heroes are made one day and fade away the next. What more could a kid with a passion for baseball want? Note the active verbs and colorful nouns and adjectives used in the “showing” example; they can help a reader to understand and believe in the experience more fully.

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