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Learning Journey People Who Help Us Reception Term: Spring 2016 – 1 st half Learning Journey People Who Help Us Reception Term: Spring 2016 – 1 st half.

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1 Learning Journey People Who Help Us Reception Term: Spring 2016 – 1 st half Learning Journey People Who Help Us Reception Term: Spring 2016 – 1 st half Mathematics We are learning to: recognise numbers of personal significance. count in in order to 20 (and beyond!) carefully count everyday objects by using 1:1 correspondence and a variety of strategies, e.g moving objects, lining them up, grouping understand mathematical language e.g. more/less add and subtract using objects. recognise numerals 0-10 and 11-20 (and beyond). sort and group a variety of objects. begin to name a range of 2D and 3D shapes and use the language of shape. describe position such as: behind, next to, above. measure short periods of time in simple ways, e.g. using a sand timer, clock, kitchen timers. Mathematics We are learning to: recognise numbers of personal significance. count in in order to 20 (and beyond!) carefully count everyday objects by using 1:1 correspondence and a variety of strategies, e.g moving objects, lining them up, grouping understand mathematical language e.g. more/less add and subtract using objects. recognise numerals 0-10 and 11-20 (and beyond). sort and group a variety of objects. begin to name a range of 2D and 3D shapes and use the language of shape. describe position such as: behind, next to, above. measure short periods of time in simple ways, e.g. using a sand timer, clock, kitchen timers. Communication and Language, and Literacy We re learning to: give their attention to what others say and respond appropriately. begin to ask relevant questions maintain attention and to sit and listen quietly at appropriate times. Understanding answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences Speaking use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences in play situations e.g. Police station, opticians, vets. Reading share a variety of texts during story times and in the Book Corner. Taking real books and reading scheme home to share. begin to read words and simple sentences begin to read simple captions share 1-1 reading with the class teacher. Writing use identifiable letters to communicate meaning. write labels and captions. write our names clearly. Letters and sounds (phonics) link sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet. hear and say the initial sounds in words. learning new sounds each week. learning new tricky/high frequency words. Communication and Language, and Literacy We re learning to: give their attention to what others say and respond appropriately. begin to ask relevant questions maintain attention and to sit and listen quietly at appropriate times. Understanding answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences Speaking use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences in play situations e.g. Police station, opticians, vets. Reading share a variety of texts during story times and in the Book Corner. Taking real books and reading scheme home to share. begin to read words and simple sentences begin to read simple captions share 1-1 reading with the class teacher. Writing use identifiable letters to communicate meaning. write labels and captions. write our names clearly. Letters and sounds (phonics) link sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet. hear and say the initial sounds in words. learning new sounds each week. learning new tricky/high frequency words. Understanding the World We are learning to: look at how people help us in everyday life. learn to recognise and describe special times for family and friends. discuss and enjoy family customs and routines, such as; Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day develop our own experiences through role play& imaginative play with small world toys and props. make and taste different foods e.g. bread, biscuits, noodles, pancakes. explore different occupations and ways of life. talk about why things happen and how they work. look closely at similarities, patterns and change. Understanding the World We are learning to: look at how people help us in everyday life. learn to recognise and describe special times for family and friends. discuss and enjoy family customs and routines, such as; Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day develop our own experiences through role play& imaginative play with small world toys and props. make and taste different foods e.g. bread, biscuits, noodles, pancakes. explore different occupations and ways of life. talk about why things happen and how they work. look closely at similarities, patterns and change. Expressive Arts and Design We will look at different colours during Chinese New Year and begin to think about mixing colours. We will experiment using different textures, tools and techniques to create cards and models. We will be learning to tap out a steady beat and identify different instruments. We will be learning new songs and dancing. Expressive Arts and Design We will look at different colours during Chinese New Year and begin to think about mixing colours. We will experiment using different textures, tools and techniques to create cards and models. We will be learning to tap out a steady beat and identify different instruments. We will be learning new songs and dancing. Physical Development During our Skil P.E. sessions and our outdoor learning activities we will be exploring what our bodies can do. We are learning to: experiment with different ways of moving. jump off an object and land appropriately. travel with confidence and skill, around, under, over and through balancing and climbing equipment. practice dressing and undressing for physical activities. form recognisable letters. continue to encourage effective pencil grip. develop fine motor skills such as cutting and threading. Physical Development During our Skil P.E. sessions and our outdoor learning activities we will be exploring what our bodies can do. We are learning to: experiment with different ways of moving. jump off an object and land appropriately. travel with confidence and skill, around, under, over and through balancing and climbing equipment. practice dressing and undressing for physical activities. form recognisable letters. continue to encourage effective pencil grip. develop fine motor skills such as cutting and threading. Personal, Social and Emotional Development During child-led activities children will learn to lay in small groups and develop friendly behaviour, initiate conversations. Through sharing news children will learn to talk to others about home and community. We will share books about making friends and feelings. Using the school’s Restorative Justice approach children will learn strategies and language to help them solve problems more independently. Circle time activities will allow children to share their thoughts and feelings on different topics. Personal, Social and Emotional Development During child-led activities children will learn to lay in small groups and develop friendly behaviour, initiate conversations. Through sharing news children will learn to talk to others about home and community. We will share books about making friends and feelings. Using the school’s Restorative Justice approach children will learn strategies and language to help them solve problems more independently. Circle time activities will allow children to share their thoughts and feelings on different topics.

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