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Animal Introduction. Animal Characteristics Multicellular Eukaryotic - have nucleus Specialized cells & tissues Heterotrophic (consumer) Capable of.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Introduction. Animal Characteristics Multicellular Eukaryotic - have nucleus Specialized cells & tissues Heterotrophic (consumer) Capable of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Introduction


3 Animal Characteristics Multicellular Eukaryotic - have nucleus Specialized cells & tissues Heterotrophic (consumer) Capable of movement/responding to stimuli

4 Body Development Blastula - a hollow ball of cells that develops from the zygote

5 Body Development Gastrula - two layered structure that develps from the blastula & gives rise to the germ cell layers

6 Body Development (germ cell layers) Endoderm - innermost germ cell layer Ex: digestive organs

7 Body Development (germ cell layers) Mesoderm - middle germ cell layer Ex: muscle & circulatory systems

8 Body Development (germ cell layers) Ectoderm - outer germ cell layer Ex: skin & nervous system

9 Animal Symmetry

10 Symmetery Assymetry - irregularly shaped body (no symmetry) Ex: sponges & ameobas

11 Symmetry Radial symmetry - circular organization; appears to be the same from any angle - can be divided along any plane through a central axis into equal halves Ex: starfish; hydra

12 Symmetery Bilateral symmetry - can be divided down length into right & left halves Ex: humans, crayfish, birds, etc.

13 Body Plans Aceolomates - have no true body cavities Ex: flatworms (simple animals)

14 Body Plans pseudocoeolomates - have body cavities that are only partially lined with mesoderm Ex: roundworms (nematodes)

15 Body Plans Coeolomates - have truebody cavities that are completely lined with mesoderm Ex: segmented worms, humans, insects, fishes, etc. (most advanced animals with greatest diversity)


17 Classification Invertebrates - animals without a backbone; many have an exoskeleton = 95% of all animals Ex: jellyfish, worms, clams, spiders, etc.

18 Classification Vertebrates - animals that have a backbone, an exoskeleton, and are bilaterally symmetrical Ex: fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, & mammals

19 Adaptations of Land Animals 1.Skeleton systems - support 2.Reproduction: -returning to water to lay eggs OR -secreting protective shell over eggs OR -developing eggs within bodies

20 End.

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