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Prohibition. Temperance Cartoons A Nation of Drunkards 6:05.

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1 Prohibition

2 Temperance Cartoons


4 A Nation of Drunkards 6:05

5 The Anti-Saloon League The Anti-Saloon League focused only on the legal prohibition of alcoholic beverages. Developed modern lobbying techniques. Printed anti-drinking brochures, appealed to church members for support, and lobbied both lawmakers and businessmen. Members of the Anti-Saloon League meet in Chicago.

6 What was Prohibition? Prohibition: Banning Of Alcohol 18th Amendment: Prohibit Consumption/ Manufacture /Sale /Transportation of Alcohol Volstead Act: Enforced 18 th Amendment

7 "A Noble Experiment" The sale, transport, and consumption of intoxicating beverages became illegal. The sale, transport, and consumption of intoxicating beverages became illegal. Many law-abiding Americans defied the regulations. Many law-abiding Americans defied the regulations. Increase in black market Increase in black market

8 Speakeasies Secret Saloon Bars Sold “Bootleg” Alcohol Before Prohibition there were 15,000 bars in New York. By 1926 there were 30,000 speakeasies! Men and women drank in the same speakeasy

9 Moonshine Spirit made secretly in home made stills Several hundred people a year died from this during the 1920s Not regulated In 1929 it is estimated that 700 million gallons of beer were produced in American homes



12 Organized Crime gangsters started to take control of cities and regions They bribed the police, judges and politicians. They controlled the speakeasies, distilleries Rival gang bosses

13 Al Capone By 1927 he was earning some $60 million a year from bootlegging. He had 700 men under his control. He was responsible for over 500 murders. Controlled Chicago area

14 Valentine’s Day Massacre /watch?v=wgFWsJTA6lI /watch?v=wgFWsJTA6lI 7:31 =axd6KWtytr8 5:04 Downfall

15 The 21st Amendment Prohibition was unenforceable. Many deaths occurred from bootleg liquor. Political corruption increased. Smuggling grew out of control. During the Depression the potential jobs and tax revenue from the legalization of liquor increasingly attractive to struggling Americans.

16 Wednesday Homework One paragraph on

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