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By Bria Taylor Period 1 October 7, 2011 This biome is located on every continent except Antarctica. Some locations are: Argentina-pampas Australia-downs.

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2 By Bria Taylor Period 1 October 7, 2011

3 This biome is located on every continent except Antarctica. Some locations are: Argentina-pampas Australia-downs Central North America-plains & prairies Hungary-puszta New Zealand-downs Russia-steppes South Africa-veldts

4 Climate Mostly according to the season. Low to medium average of rain its in the way of snow About 20-35 inches of rain falls

5 Physical Characteristics Temperature: - Winter its 0 degrees Fahrenheit. - Summer is above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Difficult place tall plants to grow like trees or woody shrubs. The grass remains firmly rooted to reduce erosion & save water. Plant life: - Buffalo grass - Cacti - Sagebrush - Sunflowers - Clovers & more

6 Animals Bison(herbivore) Gazelles(herbivore) Lions(carnivore) Wolves(carnivore) Deer(carnivore) Prairie Dogs(herbivore) Mice(carnivore) Jack rabbits(carnivore) Blackbirds(carnivore)

7 Interesting Facts Only two major types of grasslands exist in the world tropical and temperate. Lowest protection of the biome on Earth. Rainfall is very important They are flat and have low vegetation There are a 155 forests and 22 grasslands.

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