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Published byClare Kennedy Modified over 9 years ago
Briefing to the Portfolio Committee: Home Affairs The Transformation of the Department of Home Affairs 15 SEPTEMBER 2009 Building a New Home Affairs
2 Purpose of the presentation To provide the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs with an overview of the Transformation Programme of the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) Historical Perspective Background to Transformation Programme The Case for Transformation Transformation Thrusts Problem Statement Strategic Responses Strategic Framework Ideal State Progress and Challenges Achievements impacting on service delivery Strategic and Operational Responses
3 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Historical Context Colonial dispensation: Home Affairs was used to enforce colonial rule. The mass of the population was regarded as units of cheap labour to control. Apartheid Dispensation: Home Affairs had a colonial and a state security focus based on maintaining racially exclusive power and a denial of human rights through maximum control. Transformation imperative The new DHA Is the custodian, protector and verifier of the identity and status of citizens The effective control, regulation and facilitation of immigration and the flow of people through ports of entry in the interests of national security and development priorities.
4 Task Team reported back urging action to fix the Department Minister appointed Support Intervention Task Team to investigate the problems in Home Affairs New DG appointed July 2006 July 2006 May 2007 May 2007 March 2007 March 2007 BACKGROUND TO TRANSFORMATION PROGRAMME In early 2006, the Minister of Home Affairs initiated a number of key actions that resulted in the launch of the transformation process for the Department Appointment of FeverTree Consultancy kicked off turnaround projects June 2007 June 2007
5 As the custodian, protector & verifier of the identity & status of citizens and the regulator and manager of migration, the DHA must: Help provide equal access to services and help drive a sense of valued identity, citizenship and democratic nation building. Greatly assist in producing a secure environment for both the state and business to operate and develop in – for example, by preventing identity theft and fraud, including for the secure provision of social grants. Provide a stable and secure platform for the regulation of migration for development with security, as well as for regulating asylum seeker and refugee affairs. Secure and integrated systems would also greatly assist in combating trafficking and other cross-border syndicated crime. 1 / 2 THE CASE FOR TRANSFORMATION The Department is building a case that positions Home Affairs and shows how it must play a critical role in the state and civil society:
6 Enable government to realise its development objectives through the proactive and structured importation of scarce skills. Provide a secure backbone for commerce and for government systems (e.g. drivers licenses and a health card) and enable e- government through secure identification Provide reliable information to government departments and civil society e.g. relating to births, marriages, deaths and movement control. This can support evidence-based planning and the drive to improve monitoring and evaluation. Potentially provide the state with a substantial revenue stream by DHA charging a reasonable amount for identity and status verification by financial institutions. THE CASE FOR TRANSFORMATION 2 / 2
7 SERVICE CULTURE AND HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE DELIVERY AND PROCESSES INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Effective and Efficient Leadership and Governance FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC THRUSTS DHA has defined a set of four strategic thrusts for transformation, supported by effective and efficient leadership and governance
8 PROBLEM STATEMENT The transformation of the Department must address the following deeply rooted and closely related problems: Critical mass of senior managers and supervisors not in place Weaknesses in management and governance processes Limited operational control and use of information systems Business processes that are outdated and open to corruption Processes not people oriented and based on actual needs Poor office and frontline environment and uneven access to services Uneven commitment to a consistent set of values and related behaviour Widespread corruption, often linked to syndicates Serious gaps in capacity and uneven level of skills and professionalism Unstable, insecure and often outdated IT infrastructure and systems Internal capacity too weak to ensure operational efficiency and good governance Duplication and non-integration of systems Leadership, Management and Governance Financial Management Service Culture and Human Resources Information and Communi- cation Technology Financial management and controls need strengthening Management of revenue and assets weak Management of procurement and contracts needs strengthening to provide adequate support to business Service Delivery and Processes
9 STRATEGIC RESPONSES BY THE DEPARTMENT Problem areaKey strategic responseMain partner (not exhaustive) Leadership, Management and Governance Strengthen governance and build a management team at all levels that drives new values and takes full control of operations Various Service Delivery and Processes Develop a new service delivery model and organisational structure; develop a coherent policy and legislative framework; transform core processes, speed up service delivery and enhance security of processes FeverTree, (including managing various 3 rd parties) Information and Communication Technology Build an information systems platform that is paperless, integrated, reliable and secure – and client friendly. GijimaAst; Marpless; Siemens; etc Service Culture and Human Resources Robust steps to establish a culture and practice of service (Batho Pele), integrity and efficiency; to fight corruption and to capacitate staff Various Financial and Asset Management Strengthen financial controls (revenue collection, contract management, etc.) and asset management capacity and processes Ernest & Young, Combined Systems, Akhile, etc.
10 VISION, MISSION AND VALUES (2009-2012 Strategic Plan) Vision To contribute effectively to the development of a safe, secure South Africa where all its people are proud of, and value, their identity and citizenship Mission The efficient determination and safeguarding of the identity and status of citizens and the regulation of migration to ensure security, promote development and fulfil our international obligations Values The DHA is committed to being: People-centred and caring Patriotic and fighting corruption Professional and having integrity Accountable and transparent Efficient and innovative STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 1/2 DHA Vision, Mission and Values
11 STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 2/2 Strategic Goals for DHA 2009/10 to 2013/14 1.To provide secure, efficient and accessible services and documents to citizens and lawful residents in accordance with national priorities, legislation and international standards. 2.To establish and maintain secure, effective, efficient, accurate and integrated data systems. 3.To facilitate and regulate the movement of people into and out of the Republic of South Africa through Ports of Entry in the interest of national security and in support of development goals. 4.To determine the status of asylum seekers and to regulate refugee affairs in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, national legislation and international protocols. 5.To advance cooperation with other departments and relevant civil society organisations on matters with a focus on improving service delivery and countering corruption. 6.To transform the Department of Home Affairs into a centre of excellence for securing and affirming the identity and status of persons and delivering a professional, caring and responsive service.
12 The statements below define our vision of a transformed Department of Home Affairs 1. Client-centric culture within a sound policy and regulatory framework 2. Effective governance and leadership by managers that are committed to the public good and to the Department as a whole; and which is measured and monitored 3. Staff members that are professional, skilled, responsive, flexible, motivated and performance measured 4. Staff at all levels who focus on implementation and strive for operational efficiency and who are in control of their operating environment and processes 5. End to end processes that can deliver products and services reliably to standards that are measured, maintained and improved 6. Secure, efficient, cost-effective and enabled systems; and an environment for clients and for staff that meets acceptable and measured standards 7. Sharing of knowledge and best practice by growing a dynamic and shared knowledge base and through management practices that cut across silos 8. Core values that are embedded, visible and demonstrated: Client centered, professional & ethical conduct, accountable, continuous improvement, patriotism IDEALSTATEIDEALSTATE
13 Overview of progress to date1 / 2 Significant progress has been made with respect to: Designing a new service delivery model and organisational structure; some improvements to management, such as use of information “dashboards”; improved planning; progress made in developing a coherent policy framework Improved processes (ID, passports, some permits) and faster average turnaround times; some improvements in security of processes (e.g. on – line verification, live capture in 40 offices; biometric access); successful introduction of track and trace and a Client Service Centre Successful introduction of much more efficient management of operations in selected areas: productivity increases of 300% in those areas (ID and passport processes and processing of asylum seekers)
14 Improvements made in specific areas, asset and fleet management; office refurbishment; a new asylum and refugee system; 2010 FIFA World Cup projects Foundations are being laid for significant improvements in coming months, such as revenue collection and expanding track and trace to cover more documents, including permits. Significant transfer of skills and knowledge has taken place through involvement of officials in a wide range of transformation projects. This will help ensure that the changes are embedded and sustained. Overview of progress to date2 / 2 Significant progress has been made with respect to:
15 EXAMPLES OF TRANSFORMATION ACHIEVEMENTS THAT IMPACT ON SERVICE DELIVERY ProjectMeasureBaseline (1) Target for December 08 Average realised ID-transformationIssuing ID-book Issuing Temporary id-Certificate 127 days 7 days 60 days 1 day 36.81 days 1 day PassportsIssuing a passport41 days20 days14 days adults 7 days child Mobile OfficesUtilization Availability 17% 48% 80% 46% 73% Temporary residence permits (pilot sites) Issuing Temporary Residence Permit 12 weeks4 weeks4 Weeks (19 working days) Permanent residence permits Issuing Permanent Res. Permit section 26 – 2008 Applications Issuing Permanent Res. Permits section 27 – 2008 Applications Up to 18 months 8 months 4 months 5 months Refugee AffairsIssuing section 22 Certificate Average Time for Asylum Permits being Adjudicated 3 days > 1 month 1 day N/A 1 day Birth Marriage and Death Redesign Average Time to Issue Unabridged Certificates 6-8 weeks1 day6-8 weeks
16 Some key initiatives and projects. Some are ongoing and other are being initiated.1 / 4 TRANSFOR- MATION THRUST TRANSFORMATION INITIATIVESSOME SPECIFIC PROJECTS SERVICE DELIVERY AND PROCESSES End-to-end process (from birth to death) to secure core identity management process Ensuring that all births are registered by the age of one Ensure that all citizens acquire Identity Documents by age 16 Separation of economic migrants from genuine asylum seekers Review of Permitting Regime Resolution of Duplicate ID cases Improve foreign offices: communications, processes, etc. Duplicate ID cases Smart ID card Online verification Live Capturing Campaign to ensure all citizens of 15 years and younger are registered for birth Campaign to ensure all citizens of 16 years and older have received a first issue of an ID document 3rd Party Online Verification
17 Some key initiatives and projects. Some are ongoing and other are being initiated.2 / 4 TRANSFOR- MATION THRUST TRANSFORMATION INITIATIVES SOME SPECIFIC PROJECTS SERVICE DELIVERY AND PROCESSES (Continued) Improve interface with citizens and other clients and government departments (such as Social Development, Health and Basic Education) Establish Compliments and Complaints Unit Ensuring name tags are worn by all officials Conduct further surveys and research to establish needs of citizens and other clients Systematic engagement with other Departments and review of all service level agreements Develop capacity for effective footprint and channel management
18 TRANSFORMATION THRUST TRANSFORMATION INIATIVES SOME SPECIFIC PROJECTS INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Automated, integrated and secure processes Build a reliable, secure integrated ICT platform Improved document management systems. Who am I on Line (WAIOL) Integrated Movement Control System Clean up NPR / HANIS National Immigration Identification System HANIS Techno Refresh; HANIS Database Expansion Design and phased implementation of document management system Some key initiatives and projects. Some are ongoing and other are being initiated.3 / 4
19 TRANSFORMATION THRUST TRANSFORMATION INIATIVES SOME SPECIFIC PROJECTS EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT THAT CAN DRIVE NEW VALUES AND DEVELOP A SERVICE CULTURE Building an effective management team Implementing improved governance and management structures and processes Counter corruption measures and campaigns Migration of all posts below Senior Management Service (SMS) to the new organisational structure and filling of funded vacant posts Induction, coaching, mentoring and training of managers and supervisors; provision of “tools” Improved use of monitoring and evaluation linked to planning, budgeting and performance Greatly strengthen counter corruption capacity to drive a comprehensive programme Some key initiatives and projects. Some are ongoing and other are being initiated.4 / 4
20 Serious transformation challenges remain that must be overcome going forward:1 / 2 KEY CHALLENGESTRATEGIC RESPONSE Vacant management posts; weak management and supervision; inadequately skilled staff with wrong values; insufficient funds to fully implement new organisational model Urgently build management that can take operational control and drive new values through the organisation Intensive training and supervision to capacitate and empower existing staff Recruit and appoint appropriate people Endemic corruption, involving officials, syndicates and many community members in selling our identity (e.g. late registration of birth; undermining the value of our enabling documents Robust counter corruption measures and much tighter controls and systems and securing enabling documents National programme around birth registration and IDs and the value of South African identity and citizenship Closing loopholes in late registration of birth
21 KEY CHALLENGE STRATEGIC RESPONSE Outdated, insecure information systems that are not integrated; and poor document management; Contaminated National Population Register (NPR) and Home Affairs National Identification System (HANIS) Build integrated, modern, secure systems and processes while cleaning up NPR/ HANIS. This will be linked to programmes aimed at ensuring that all citizens have their births registered and have been issued with their first ID; and linked to dealing with late birth registration of birth and duplicate IDs. Generally poor infrastructure and working environment impacting badly on both citizens and staff and limiting access Use limited funds in a targeted way (e.g. office refurbishment) and greatly improve planning and coordination of channels and footprint, including with other Departments Serious transformation challenges remain that must be overcome going forward:2 / 2
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