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ComponentScaleComments Subject or Topic Objectives Did you establish a framework for learning by informing your viewers about the problem and what they.

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Presentation on theme: "ComponentScaleComments Subject or Topic Objectives Did you establish a framework for learning by informing your viewers about the problem and what they."— Presentation transcript:

1 ComponentScaleComments Subject or Topic Objectives Did you establish a framework for learning by informing your viewers about the problem and what they would learn? 1 2 3 Main Points & Supporting Details This is the elaboration on each main point/objective and includes all knowledge/input you want the viewers to KNOW about each. Did the presentation include both a story/topic summary and a critical analysis of the story/topic. Did you highlight each unfamiliar vocabulary word where it is found in the input section? 1 3 5 7 9 10 Issue Resolutions The presentation includes current data & suggested resolutions or actions related to the topic. Were strategies presented for schools, teachers, and students? 1 2 3 4 5 Conclusions/Closure Did your main points align with your objectives? Were there higher order questions? Were viewers involved in the closure? 1 2 3 Audio & Visual Appeal These are presentation MID’s; audio, visual, internet links, includes color, transitions, MINIMUM 18pt. font size, design, etc. 15-20 min. time limit observed. 1 2 3 Resources Did you include a bibliography of Teacher Resources and Technology Are all resources cited? 1 1½ 2 SCORE/25 Literature Selection/Advocacy TopicMONSTER / Violence Names Lucky and Amber

2 Written by: Walter Dean Myers Presented by: Lucky and Amber


4 The Monster Steve Harmon’s an African American He’s in jail He’s on trial for murder. He’s only sixteen years old.

5 Awards Monster has received many awards over its time It has received the National Book Award Finalist, Coretta Scoot Award, and the Award Excellence in Young Adult.

6 Summary This book is about a 16 year old teenager Steve Harmon who is charged for the involvement of the murder of a store clerk in his neighborhood. But come to find out, other people were involved as well. As the story moves on throughout the book, clues are unfolded and then more people are brought in. Steve Harmon’s innocence hangs in the balance.

7 Characters Steve is a 16 year old African American male who is about an average height for a male. He is a good kid and wants to let everyone know that he didn’t commit the crime Kathy O’ Brien is Steve’s lawyer. She is a white women who is trying to prove Steve is innocent. Petrocelli is the prosecutor in the case. He is a white male that is trying to prove that Steve committed the crime. King was the person that was also convicted of the crime with Steve. He is an African American male and is about 20 years of age. He is a pretty big man. Other characters include: Bobo and Cruz who were also possibly involved in the murder of the store clerk.

8 Teens and crimes Almost half of all violent crimes are committed by perpetrators under 25 years old. In 2006, 15% of all arrests were made on people under the age of 18, while more than 1,100 homicide suspects were under the age of 18 In 2000, about 1,561 youth under the age of 18 were arrested for homicide. In 2000, nine percent of the murders in the United States were committed by persons under the age of 18. One in ten teens arrested have engaged in a violent activity that could have resulted in the serious injury or the death of another person. Total direct and indirect costs of teen violence is more than $158 billion per year.

9 1990 Statistic Age CrimesPopulationCrimes/1000 People 13 - 141696306,624,33225.6 151209033,321,60936.4 161344823,304,89040.7 171377213,410,06240.4 181336223,641,23836.7 191184354,076,21629.1 Subtotal 13-1981479324,378,34733.4

10 Homicide Rate Change Among 10-14 Year Old Compared to 10-19 Overall

11 Violence Arrests

12 Average Age


14 Top 10 cities with the highest crime rate 1. East St. Louis, IL (housing, pop. 29,448): 2392.5 2. Hammond, LA (housing, pop. 19,134): 1502.7 3. South Tucson, AZ (housing, pop. 5,571): 1496.8 4. Florida City, FL (housing, pop. 9,445): 1387.7 5. St. Louis, MO (housing, pop. 347,181): 1355.3 6. Anniston, AL (housing, pop. 23,799): 1352.6 7. Tukwila, WA (housing, pop. 17,111): 1276.5 8. Hartsville, SC (housing, pop. 7,473): 1249.7 9. Morrow, GA (housing, pop. 5,395): 1248.1 10. Riviera Beach, FL (housing, pop. 35,846): 1192.1

15 Solutions Extracurricular activities Clubs that promote teaching of positive values to grow up with – Boys to men club – Young life Collaborate with parents Talking to the student Being a good role model for the students

16 Solutions Giving socializing opportunities in the classroom – To meet new people – To make new friends If necessary give students opportunities to get an observation of what prison is really like Take concerns to the counselor Have crime prevention programs and advisory groups

17 Extracurricular activities Have better grades (Marsh, 1992); Have higher standardized test scores (Gerber, 1996); Have higher educational attainment (Hanks & Eckland, 1976); Attend school more regularly (Mahoney & Cairns, 1997); Have higher self-concepts (Marsh, 1992).

18 Uniforms in schools A significant drop in school discipline issues was shown with suspensions for elementary and middle school student reducing by 28% and 36% respectively. Additionally, serious crime such as sex offense and vandalism decreased by 74% and 18%. without uniform policies (54.9%) had at least one weapon-related incident, 38.9% of schools with uniform policies had a weapon-related incident.

19 Resources statistics.html statistics.html _and_Younger.pdf _and_Younger.pdf re- Drupal/SiteSections/Students/GradPapers/Projects/Reed_Joshua_ MP.pdf re- Drupal/SiteSections/Students/GradPapers/Projects/Reed_Joshua_ MP.pdf

20 Lucky Thao & Amber Hoffman Notes 1990 Statistic -Between the ages of 13 and 17, as kids get older, they gradually commit more crime. -Those who were 16 years old committed the most crime per 1000 people. -Crime rate among young adults gradually decrease after the age of 18. -The rate of crime from 15 to 18 was higher than the total average of 13-19 year olds. Homicide Rate Change among 10-14 Year Old Compared to 10-19 Overall -Homicide arrest numbers for 10-14 year old have gradually dropped since the 1960s. -This does not conclude that the rate of 10-14 year olds committing homicide has decreased, but that the amount of arrests may have just declined because of some other factors. Violence Arrests -The rate of arrests of 10-14 year olds has stayed consistent at around 18-19%. -The rate for the most recent years is actually higher than those from 1975-1984. -Violent crimes still remain a consistent problem among young adolescent. Average Age -This graph shows the average of teenagers who committed crimes during that particular time period. -The average age of teens who are arrested for a crime has risen greatly, meaning that more and more teens are committing crime at a higher age than they would at a lower age like it used to be. -Although this is true, violence still remains very consistent among teenagers. Table 1 -Between 1990 and 1994, the arrest rate of 15-17 year old peaked, sometimes even doubling. There may be a correlation here between the rise of rap music, 2pac, Biggie, and rapper conflicts. -These numbers show that adolescent (under 18 years old), consistently are arrested more than the national average.

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