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Writing a Friendly Letter. What are the parts of a friendly letter?

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1 Writing a Friendly Letter

2 What are the parts of a friendly letter?

3 A person writes to someone he or she knows in a friendly letter. A friendly letter is made up of five parts: a heading, a greeting, a body, a closing, and a signature.

4 Steps to Writing a Friendly Letter 1. Write the heading. In the heading, include a comma between the name of the city and the state and between the day of the month and year.

5 2. Write the greeting. Capitalize the first letter of each word. End the greeting with a comma. Steps to Writing a Friendly Letter

6 3. Write a friendly message in the body. Always indent the first line of the body. Steps to Writing a Friendly Letter

7 4. Write a closing to end the letter. Put a comma after the closing. Steps to Writing a Friendly Letter 5. Sign the letter with your name.

8 817 Eagle Avenue heading Oswego, New York July 21, 2003 Dear Emily, greeting body How is your vacation going? I have been playing a lot of lacrosse. Also, I have been reading many good books. When you get back from Florida I will share them with you. closing Your friend, signature Dana

9 Now it’s your turn to begin your own friendly letter. Complete the friendly letter packet that your teacher will provide for you.

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