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Friendly Letter Notes. Parts of a Friendly Letter HeadingYour complete address and date.

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Presentation on theme: "Friendly Letter Notes. Parts of a Friendly Letter HeadingYour complete address and date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friendly Letter Notes

2 Parts of a Friendly Letter HeadingYour complete address and date.

3 Parts of a Friendly Letter SalutationThis polite greeting begins two lines below the heading. It starts with Dear and ends with a comma

4 Parts of a Friendly Letter BodyThe main part of your letter. The body identifies the writer and the reason for writing.

5 Parts of a Friendly Letter ClosingThe closing politely says good- bye and is followed by a comma. Common closings include: -Sincerely, -Your friend, -Regards,

6 Parts of a Friendly Letter SignatureSign your name below the closing. P.S. A postscript gives an optional afterthought.

7 Summary Finish this thought in a paragraph. Letter writing is becoming less popular because…

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