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Carriage Crest – 6 th Grade Mrs. Oliver 253-373-2032 Please make sure to put your name and information on the clipboard.

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Presentation on theme: "Carriage Crest – 6 th Grade Mrs. Oliver 253-373-2032 Please make sure to put your name and information on the clipboard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carriage Crest – 6 th Grade Mrs. Oliver 253-373-2032 Please make sure to put your name and e-mail information on the clipboard.

2 Library books will be due back every Thursday Please check and sign reading logs and day planners every Friday night. Daily Schedule Mrs. Oliver – 6 th Grade Room 403 TimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:30-9:30Reading 9:30-10:00Reading Intervention or Guided Reading Groups 10:00-10:15Recess 10:15-10:50 Writing10:15-10:30 Library/Writing Writing 10:50-11:25Lunch and Recess 11:25-11:55Math Intervention or Social Studies 11:55-1:00Math 1:00-2:00 Spelling/Grammar Music Science PE Spelling/Grammar PE/Music Science Music Spelling/Vocab PE 2:00 - 2:38Science or Social Studies

3 Intervention Based on student need. –MSP scores –Navigator Screener/DRP Scores –Pretest again to make sure. Reading/Writing and Math Groups change approximately every six weeks.

4 Day Planners Checked daily Look for red circles Indicates assignment not turned in. Parents please sign every Friday A good place to write notes or ask questions for me.

5 Reading Logs Handed out and collected every Monday. Read novels the majority of the time. Students should be reading 120 minutes per week. Respond to question of the week. –MSP practice response questions. Please sign every Friday to turn in on Mon.

6 Homework Policy Students have the same number of days to make up work that they were absent. –Absent for 2 days, they have 2 days to make up the work and turn it in to the blue tub.

7 Math Homework every night. OK for kids to work on this at recess or come in early for help. Scored according to Standards Based. CPM PowerPoint

8 Reading & Writing Students will do most of their reading work in class – reading logs are homework. Writing projects will be due at the end of each unit, these dates will be posted on my web sight – currently we are working on essay writing. Spelling – Homework due Wed & Fri, test on Fri. Vocab. Packets due every other Fri.

9 Science & Social Studies Science – models & designs, environments (camp) and mixtures & solutions. Social Studies – World geography & cultures. Projects integrated into reading & writing.

10 Website coliver/index.php coliver/index.php Homework Handouts Contact information Forms

11 What do report card marks mean? 4 = Advanced: Exceeds proficiency standard 3 = Proficient: Meets proficiency standard 2 = Basic: Falls below proficiency standard 1 = Below Basic: Falls well below proficiency standard SBRS Parent PowerPoint

12 6 th Grade Camp Dates – April 15 th – April 18 th See handouts coming home for fundraisers. Parent fund raiser chairperson is Mrs. Faull. Parent information meeting on Camp Killoqua will be held in February. We will have a PowerPoint and lots of information to share at that time.

13 Misc. Information New Class will be 5/6 split, new teacher in the process of hiring, changes should take place next week. Don’t know kids in that class yet. Talking Homework making it home in Thurs folders?

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