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Ancient Egyptian Structures City of Luxor “The Palaces” Luxor is a city located in Upper Egypt, in the province of Qena. It was the ancient city of Thebes.

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2 Ancient Egyptian Structures

3 City of Luxor “The Palaces” Luxor is a city located in Upper Egypt, in the province of Qena. It was the ancient city of Thebes - the capital of Ancient Egypt.

4 Luxor “The Palaces”

5 Goddesses of Egypt

6 ISIS WITH HER HORNED CROWN PAPYRUS Maat, goddess of truth & justice, kneels before the great mother goddess Isis, and spreads out her wings to protect the cartouche containing the name of Queen Nefertari.

7 Nefertiti and Nerfertari White Egyptian Queens

8 Isis and Pharaoh

9 Marriage

10 Family While color in Egyptian art did not always necessarily reflect actual skin color, often it did. And like the Greek and Roman art, males were usually depicted as being darker than females, tanned in the workday sun

11 Tombs

12 Music and Art of Ancient Egpyt  feature=related feature=related

13 Inspiration & Influences  Inspiration  Isac 101: Sarted to study Ancient Egypt and learning about the Gods & Goddesses caught my interest.  Isac 101: Research on Ancient ancestors.  Influences  Storytelling  Ceramics Class at Merritt College  Collage Work

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