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RESISTANCE IN IMPLEMENTING Introduce rules in:  Ways of building up the Rule of Law  Management of human resources  The civil service reform has been.

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Presentation on theme: "RESISTANCE IN IMPLEMENTING Introduce rules in:  Ways of building up the Rule of Law  Management of human resources  The civil service reform has been."— Presentation transcript:

1 RESISTANCE IN IMPLEMENTING Introduce rules in:  Ways of building up the Rule of Law  Management of human resources  The civil service reform has been initiated as an outside pressure rather than an inside political will The donor pressure to begin institutional reform with SIPAR, strategy of institutional and public administration reform- the first donor coordinating attempt to draft and implement a wide range institutional reform including public administration, judiciary, public expenditure management, and police reform  The political factor is a key one in fostering the reforms as well as creating problems or impeding the reforming process of a country

2 RESISTANCE IN IMPLEMENTING  In Albania this factor has been resistant during the law adoption in Parliament, but also afterwards in enforcement phases.  My personal experience has shown that the success of reforms depends on these main factors:  1. Continued political support especially from the Head of Government  2. Public awareness of those interested and the large public with the objective, scope and intentions of its appliance.  3. Assignment and continuous assessment of everybody’s role and function during the process of implementation of the law  4. The person in charge with this process should be able to say “No”, to afford pressure from the top and the bottom

3 RESISTANCE IN IMPLEMENTING  Factors that obstacle the law implementation  - Misunderstanding of the reform (objective)  - Unwillingness to change ( subjective, but closely linked to a well prepared process in terms of public awareness, inclusion and explanation of the aim, risks, and profits of a reform process)  - Fear from the changes

4 RESISTANCE IN IMPLEMENTING The Ministers: (fear from taking off the monopoly of power)  In the every day activity: – Hard relations with Secretary General (The highest position of Civil Servant in the Ministry), especially the ones not assigned by them, – Appliance of warnings, if the materials are not returned on due time – Appliance of warnings, if employees are late at work – Not-completion of the assessment process –Negative assessments Secretary Generals - Full competencies (sometimes exerting power over the employees, thus creating problems in management) -Unwillingness to cooperate with ministers -Not contradict the minister when it has been nominated by Him ( Civil Servants Used with “old way of working” Fear from the future Non understanding and unwillingness to try new was of working Unwillingness to be trained

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