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Submicron Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors M Rodwell, Y Betser,Q Lee, D Mensa, J Guthrie, S Jaganathan, T Mathew, P Krishnan, S.

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Presentation on theme: "Submicron Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors M Rodwell, Y Betser,Q Lee, D Mensa, J Guthrie, S Jaganathan, T Mathew, P Krishnan, S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Submicron Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors M Rodwell, Y Betser,Q Lee, D Mensa, J Guthrie, S Jaganathan, T Mathew, P Krishnan, S Long University of California, Santa Barbara SC Martin, RP Smith, NASA Jet Propulsion Labs Supported by ONR (M Yoder, J Zolper, D Van Vechten), AFOSR ( H Schlossberg ) 24th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves

2 Why are HEMTs smaller & faster than HBTs ? FETs have deep submicron dimensions. 0.1 µm HEMTs with 400 GHz bandwidths (satellites). 5 million 1/4-µm MOSFETs on a 200 MHz, $500 CPU. FET lateral scaling decreases transit times. FET bandwidths then increase. HBTs have ~1 µm junctions. vertical scaling decreases electron transit times. vertical scaling increases RC charging times. lateral scaling should decrease RC charging times. HBT bandwidths should then increase. But, HBTs must first be modified...

3 Scaling for THz device bandwidths


5 Current-gain cutoff frequency in HBTs Collector velocities can be high: velocity overshoot in InGaAs Base bandgap grading reduces transit time substantially RC terms quite important for > 200 GHz ft devices

6 Excess Collector-Base Capacitance in Mesa HBTs base contacts: must be > 1 transfer length (0.3  m)  sets minimum collector width  sets minimum collector capacitance Ccb base resistance spreading resistance scales with emitter scaling contact resistance independent of emitter scaling  sets minimum base resistance  sets minimum R bb C cb time constant f max does not improve with submicron scaling


8 Transferred-Substrate HBTs: A Scalable HBT Technology Collector capacitance reduces with scaling: Bandwidth increases rapidly with scaling:

9 Thinning base, collector epitaxial layers improves ft, degrades fmax Lateral scaling provides moderate improvements in fmax Regrowth (similar to Si BJT !) should help considerably Transferred-substrate helps dramatically

10 Undercut-Collector Device for high f max Lucent Technologies (YK Chen) TRW Texas Instruments



13 50 mm transferred-substrate HBT Wafer: Cu substrate

14 AlInAs/GaInAs graded base HBT Band diagram under normal operating voltages V ce = 0.9 V, V be = 0.7 V 400 Å 5E19 graded base (  E g = 2kT), 3000 Å collector Graded base Collector depletion region Emitter Schottky collector

15 Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Device with 0.6 µm emitter & 1.8 µm collector extrapolated fmax at instrument limits, >400 GHz

16 Why Mason’s Gain, U, is used to find f max : MAG/MSG can be above U MAG/MSG can be below U U is same for CE, CB, & CC U is not changed by pad parasitics U has -20 dB / decade slope to f max MSG slope is -10 dB / decade MAG has no fixed slope -for hybrid-  model comment: U is not given by: (CE, small C cbx ) ( CE, large C cbx )...above -20 dB/dec line …below -20 dB/dec line Plots generated using HP / EESOF simulator and standard hybrid-  model

17 DC-50 GHz & 75-110 GHz Network Analysis  waveguide-coupled micro-coax probes Parasitic probe-probe coupling S 12 error background: not corrected by calibration  gain measurements corrupted, worse for W-band Measuring High f max Transistors I corrupted W-band measurement

18 Offset reference planes, on-wafer LRL calibration standards separate probes to reduce coupling reference planes at transistor terminals Measuring High f max Transistors II 230  m

19 Line-reflect-line on-wafer cal. standards LoLo LoLo LoLo LoLo LoLo LoLo L o +L o L o +560  m+L o L o +1275  m+L o 20-60 GHz LINE 75-110 GHz LINE THROUGH LINE SHORT OPEN (reflect) DUT 75-110 GHz Calibration standards 20-60 GHz Calibration standards Calibration verification Device under test V= 2.04 x 10 8 m/s (  r = 2.7)

20 Submicron Transferred-Substrate HBT 20 dB / decade gain slope may NOT continue to 1 THz

21 Bandwidth vs Current Density

22 Bandwidth vs Vce Decrease in f   decreasing electron velocity with increased field

23 C cb Cancellation by Collector Space-Charge Collector space charge partially screens collector field. Increasing voltage decreases electron velocity,  modulates collector space-charge  offsets modulation of base charge  Ccb is reduced Moll & Camnitz 1992, Betser & Ritter 1999, Englemann & Liechti 1977 (MESFETs)

24 Measured Variation of Collector Transit Time with Bias f  data predicts 0.9 fF capacitance cancellation, 1 vs 6 mA

25 Capacitance cancellation: measured measured 0.64 fF decrease, 1  6 mA (vs 0.9 fF predicted) Expected Ccb reduction is observed in microwave Y 12

26 Device Model Element parameters are physically reasonable

27 Emitter Profile: Stepper Device 0.15  m e/b junction 0.5  m emitter stripe

28 Transferred-Substrate HBT: Stepper Lithography 0.4  m emitter, ~0.7  m collector

29 DC characteristics, stepper device We=0.2 X 6  m 2 Wc=1.5 X 9  m 2  =50

30 Given high fmax, vertical scaling exhanges reduced f max for increased f 

31 Transit times: HBT with 2kT base grading 2000 Å InGaAs collector 400 Å InGaAs base, 2kT bandgap grading

32 Gains: HBT with 2kA collector, 300 A base

33 Digital microwave / RF transmitters (DC-20 GHz) direct digital synthesis at microwave bandwidths microwave digital-analog converters Digital microwave / RF receivers delta-sigma ADCs with 10-30 GHz sample rates 16 effective bits at 100 MHz signal bandwidth ? Basic Science: 0.1 µm Ebeam device: 1000 GHz transistor (?) transistor electronics in the far-infrared Fast fiber optics, fast digital communications: 200 GHz f , 500 GHz f max device: ~ 75-90 Gb/s 160 Gb/s needs ~350 GHz f , 500 GHz f max Why would you want a 1 THz transistor ?

34 Transferred-Substrate HBT ICs: Key Features 100 GHz clock-rate ICs will need: very fast transistors short wires –> high IC density –> high thermal conductivity low capacitance wiring low ground inductance –> microstrip wiring environment Transferred Substrate HBT ICs offer: 800 GHz fmax now, > 1000 GHz with further scaling 250 GHz ft now, >300 GHz with improved emitter Ohmics copper substrates / thermal vias for heatsinking low capacitance (  = 2.5) wiring

35 THz-Bandwidth HBTs ??? 1) regrown P+++ InGaAs extrinsic base --> ultra-low-resistance 2) 0.05 µm wide emitter --> ultra low base spreading resistance 3) 0.05 µm wide collector --> ultra low collector capacitance 4) 100 Å, carbon-doped graded base --> 0.05 ps transit time 5) 1kÅ thick InP collector --> 0.1 ps transit time. Projected Performance: Transistor with 500 GHz ft, 1500 GHz fmax 1 2 3 4 5 deep submicron transferred-substrate regrown-base HBT

36 The wiring environment for 100 GHz logic

37 Why is Improved Wiring Essential? ground return loops create inductance Wire bond creates ground bounce between IC & package 30 GHz M/S D-FF in UCSB - mesa HBT technology Ground loops & wire bonds: degrade circuit & packaged IC performance

38 ADC digital sections input buffer ground return currents L ground  V in ground bounce noise Ground Bound Noise in ADCs Ground bounce noise must be ~100 dB below full-scale input Differential input will partly suppress ground noise coupling ~ 30 to 40 dB common-mode rejection feasible CMRR insufficient to obtain 100 dB SNR Eliminate ground bounce noise by good IC grounding

39 Microstrip IC wiring to Eliminate Ground Bounce Noise Transferred-substrate HBT process provides vias & ground plane.

40 Power Density in 100 GHz logic Transistors tightly packed to minimize delays 10 5 W/cm 2 HBT junction power density. ~10 3 W/cm 2 power density on-chip  75 C temperature rise in 500  m substrate. Solutions: Thin substrate to < 100  m Replace semiconductor with metal  copper substrate

41 Transferred-Substrate HBT Integrated Circuits 47 GHz master-slave flip-flop 7 dB, 5-80 GHz distributed amplifier 11 dB, 50+ GHz AGC / limiting amplifier 10 dB, 50+ GHz feedback amplifier

42 Transferred-Substrate HBT Integrated Circuits W-band VCO Clock recovery PLL multiplexer 2:1 demultiplexer (120 HBTs) 16 dB, DC-60 GHz amplifier 6.7 dB, DC-85 GHz amplifier

43 6.7 dB, 85 GHz Mirror Darlington Amplifier 6.7 dB DC gain 3 dB bandwidth of 85 GHz f  -doubler (mirror Darlington) configuration

44 Frequency (GHz) dB S 21 S 11 S 22 18 dB, DC to > 50 GHz Darlington Amplifier Over 400 GHz Gain-BW, 2 transistors


46 Master-Slave Flip Flop: 100 GHz design target master, slave, clock buffer, output buffer: 76 HBTs

47 33.0 GHz static divider output at 66.0 GHz input Measurement is setup-limited (source, bias tee, probe)

48 Fiber Optic ICs (not yet working !) AGC / limiting amplifier CML decision circuit PIN / transimpedance amplifier

49 Delta-Sigma ADC In Development (300 HBTs)

50 Transferred Substrate HBTs An ultrafast bipolar integrated circuit technology Ultrahigh fmax HBTs Low capacitance interconnects Superior heat sinking, low parasitic packaging Demonstrated: HBTs with 1 THz extrapolated fmax >66 GHz flip-flops, 85 GHz amplifiers,... Future: 0.1  m HBTs with fmax >> 1000 GHz (0.1  m, carbon) 100 GHz digital logic ICs --> DACs, DDS, ADCs, fiber

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