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Integrated Literacy Assignment Samantha Spoelman 2-C3.0.3 Identify the services provided by the local government (e.g. police, fire departments, schools,

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Literacy Assignment Samantha Spoelman 2-C3.0.3 Identify the services provided by the local government (e.g. police, fire departments, schools,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Literacy Assignment Samantha Spoelman 2-C3.0.3 Identify the services provided by the local government (e.g. police, fire departments, schools, libraries, parks).

2 Books: United States of America: Enchantment of the World By: Martin Hintz Page 71 Police Officers: Community Workers By: Alice K. Flanagan In My Neighborhood: Police Officers By: Paulette Bourgeois In My Neighborhood: Fire Fighters By: Paulette Bourgeois Jobs Around My Neighborhood By: Gladys Rosa- Mendoza

3 Resources: Sesame Street - People in your Neighborhood (fireman and postman) - YouTube Youtube Video : Indiana State Government Spending Pie Graph: Virtual Field Trip : Field Trip -- Visit Awesome Places

4 Resources: Lesson Plan #1: Scroll down and go to Lesson #2 Atlas - Unit 3: How Do Citizens Live Together... Lesson Plan #2: Scroll down and go to Lesson #5 Lesson Plan Idea Park Poem A Park in My Neighbour By: Jyoti Chaudhary

5 Resources: Have a spokesperson come in from some of the various services our local government provides, such as a police officer, a road commission worker, or someone who is in charge of the upkeep of the local park. Have them speak about how they are connected to the local government, along with an explanation of what they do and why. Supporting Web Site: Northern Michigan Learning Consortium

6 Resources: To help students first understand what a service is, make a classroom poster. On this poster include the definition and a list the students come up with that are services. After the lesson, go through and underline all that are provided by the local government so students have something to look back to, to help them remember. Bring in and show students within the first few pages of the phone book are the government pages. This section is broken into local, state, and national government categories. Read through some of the items under local government and see if can find some numbers belonging to services provided by the government. At least showing students this section is there is helpful.

7 Works Cited: Bourgeois, Paulette. (1999). In My Neighborhood: Police Officers. Buffalo, NY: Kids Can Press LTD. Bourgeois, Paulette. (1998). In My Neighborhood: Fire Fighters. Buffalo, NY: Kids Can Press LTD. Flanagan, Alice. (2000). Police Officers: Community Workers. Minneapolis, MN; Compass Point Books. Hintz, Martin. (2004). United States of America: Enchantment of the World. Herman Adler Design. Rosa-Mendoza, Gladys. (2011). Jobs in my Neighborhood. NY: Windmill Books. Sesame Street - People in your Neighborhood (fireman and postman) Retrieved from Local Government Spending. Retrieved from ges/topic_loc_gov_svcs.htm ges/topic_loc_gov_svcs.htm Field Trip. Retrieved from Lesson 2: Why Do People Form Governments? Retrieved from http://oaklandk12- 13472&YearID=2014&CurriculumMapID=43& http://oaklandk12- 13472&YearID=2014&CurriculumMapID=43& Lesson 5: What Does our Government Do? Retrieved from http://oaklandk12- 13472&YearID=2014&CurriculumMapID=43&http://oaklandk12- 13472&YearID=2014&CurriculumMapID=43& “A Park in my Neighbour” Retrieved from 1180 1180 Northern Michigan Learning Consortium. Retrieved from

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