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Columbus is a leader.... Accomplishments Operation Safe-Walks $61 million + 97 miles of sidewalks since 2000 Arterial streets & schools Drainage improvements.

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Presentation on theme: "Columbus is a leader.... Accomplishments Operation Safe-Walks $61 million + 97 miles of sidewalks since 2000 Arterial streets & schools Drainage improvements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Columbus is a leader...

2 Accomplishments

3 Operation Safe-Walks $61 million + 97 miles of sidewalks since 2000 Arterial streets & schools Drainage improvements

4 Health Link Institute for Active LivingHealthy Places Program

5 Walk With A Doc 4 locations in City Partnership was key

6 Safe Routes to School District-Wide School Travel Plan - 2015 SRTS National Conference – 2016

7 Let’s Move - 5 Gold Medals

8 Vision

9 Walking from age 1 to 100

10 Multi-Modal Transportation Complete Streets Health impacts, supportive land uses Connectivity to parks & trails

11 Walking in my neighborhood makes me happy because I like to breathe fresh air, see the neighbor's flowers, and get exercise. – Anna Lagergren, Colonial Hills Elementary School, Worthington, Ohio

12 To walk all we need is a pair comfortable shoes

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