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Section 3.2: Angles and Parallel Lines By Ryan Siebecker.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 3.2: Angles and Parallel Lines By Ryan Siebecker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 3.2: Angles and Parallel Lines By Ryan Siebecker

2 Objectives 1.Use theorems to determine relationships between different pairs of angles 2.Use algebra to find angle measures

3 What are we doing? In this lesson, we will learn the relationship between angles formed by parallel lines and a transversal. Later, we will use these ideas to find solutions to algebraic problems. Line Transversal Tick marks show parallel lines

4 Congruent Angles Formed by ∥ Lines Alternate Interior ∠ ’s Alternate Exterior ∠ ’s Corresponding ∠ ’s 12 3 4 56 78 ∠ 3 ≅∠ 6 ∠ 5 ≅∠ 4 ∠ 1 ≅∠ 8 ∠ 7 ≅∠ 2 ∠ 7 ≅∠ 3 ∠ 8 ≅∠ 4 ∠ 1 ≅∠ 5 ∠ 2 ≅∠ 6


6 Congruent Angles: Shortcuts Alternate Interior Angles If angles are traced, they will form a “Z” or an “N” Ex. ∠ 3 and ∠ 6 are Alt. Int. ∠ ’s 12 34 56 78

7 Congruent Angles: Shortcuts Corresponding Angles If angles are traced, they will form a “F”. Can be backwards, upside down, or both. Ex. ∠ 2 and ∠ 6 are Corresponding ∠ ’s 12 3 4 56 78

8 Congruent Angles: Shortcuts Alternate Exterior Angles If angles are traced, they will form a “><” or similar pattern. Ex. ∠ 1 and ∠ 8 are Alt. Ext. ∠ ’s 12 34 56 78

9 Supplementary Angles Formed by ∥ Lines Same Side Interior ∠ ’s Same Side Exterior ∠ ’s ∠ 2 suppl. ∠ 8 ∠ 7 suppl. ∠ 1 Quick Question: What other angles in the diagram are supplementary? These angles are found using previously learned methods. (Hint: 8 pairs) 12 3 4 56 78 ∠ 3 suppl. ∠ 5 ∠ 4 suppl. ∠ 6 ∠ 1 suppl. ∠ 2 ∠ 1 suppl. ∠ 3 ∠ 2 suppl. ∠ 4 ∠ 4 suppl. ∠ 3 ∠ 5 suppl. ∠ 6 ∠ 5 suppl. ∠ 7 ∠ 6 suppl. ∠ 8 ∠ 7 suppl. ∠ 8 **Any angle pair that is not deemed as congruent (alt. int. ∠ ’s, alt. ext. ∠ ’s, corres. ∠ ’s) is supplementary. ”Same Side” comes from the fact that theses angles are on the same side of the transversal…


11 Sample Problem: Congruent Angles Name the ≅ ∠ ’s in the diagram formed by methods learned today: 1. Check for Alt. Ext. ∠ ’s (“><“) ∠ 1, ∠ 8 ∠ 2, ∠ 7 2. Check for Alt. Int. ∠ ’s (“Z” or “N”) ∠ 3, ∠ 6 ∠ 5, ∠ 4 3. Check for corresponding ∠ ’s (“F”) ∠ 8, ∠ 4 ∠ 7, ∠ 3 ∠ 5, ∠ 1 ∠ 2, ∠ 6 12 34 56 78

12 Sample Problem: Supplementary Angles Name the suppl. ∠ ’s in the diagram formed via methods learned today: 1. Check for Same Side Int. ∠ ’s ∠ 3, ∠ 5 ∠ 4, ∠ 6 2. Check for Same Side Ext. ∠ ’s ∠ 1, ∠ 7 ∠ 2, ∠ 8 12 34 56 78

13 Suppl. and Congruent ∠ ’s in Algebra 12 3 4 56 78



16 Congruent ∠ ’s in Algebra Sample Problem 12 3 4 56 78

17 Suppl. ∠ ’s in Algebra Sample Problem 12 3 4 56 78

18 Perpendicular Transversals… 1 2 43 5 6 7 8

19 Theorems The concepts learned today all have their respective theorems. Use these theorems in proofs to illustrate geometric ideas. Theorem 1: Corresponding Angles If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then each pair of corresponding angles are congruent. Shortcut: ∥ lines => ≅ corres. ∠ ’s Theorem 2: Alternate Interior Angles If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then each pair of alternate interior angles are congruent. Shortcut: ∥ lines => ≅ alt. int. ∠ ’s Theorem 3: Same Side Interior Angles If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then each pair of same side interior angles is supplementary. Shortcut: ∥ lines => suppl. same side int. ∠ ’s Theorem 4: Alternate Exterior Angles If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then each pari of alternate exterior angles is congruent. Shortcut: ∥ lines => ≅ alt. ext. ∠ ’s Theorem 5: Perpendicular Transversal In a plane, if a line is perpendicular to one of two parallel lines, then it is perpendicular to the other.

20 Practice Problems: You Try It! Name every pair of ≅ ∠ ’s in the diagram shown that are formed using today’s learned methods Alt. Ext. Angles ∠ 1, ∠ 8 ∠ 7, ∠ 2 Alt. Int. Angles ∠ 3, ∠ 6 ∠ 5, ∠ 4 Corresponding ∠ ’s ∠ 8, ∠ 4 ∠ 7, ∠ 3 ∠ 5, ∠ 1 ∠ 2, ∠ 6 12 3 4 5 6 78

21 Practice Problems: You Try It! Name every pair of supplementary ∠ ’s in the diagram shown, that are formed using methods learned today Same Side Interior ∠ 3, ∠ 5 ∠ 4, ∠ 6 Same Side Exterior ∠ 1, ∠ 7 ∠ 2, ∠ 8 12 3 4 5 6 78

22 Practice Problems: You Try It! 12 3 4 56 78

23 12 3 4 56 78

24 Complete the two column proof 12 3 4 56 78 Statements Reasons 1.Given 2.Given 3.Def. of Congruent ∠ ’s 4. ≅ corres. ∠ ’s => ∥ lines

25 Works Cited Carter, John A. "Angles and Parallel Lines." Geometry. Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Education, 2012. 180-83. Print. Roberts, Donna. "Practice with Parallel Angles." Practice with Parallel Angles. Oswego City School District Regents Exam Prep Center, 1998. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.

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