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1 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC ANSI ASC C63 Subcommittee 7 Spectrum Etiquette Report to C63 H. Stephen Berger Chair, SC7 May 1, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC ANSI ASC C63 Subcommittee 7 Spectrum Etiquette Report to C63 H. Stephen Berger Chair, SC7 May 1, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC ANSI ASC C63 Subcommittee 7 Spectrum Etiquette Report to C63 H. Stephen Berger Chair, SC7 May 1, 2014

2 2 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Scope of C63 SC7 - Spectrum Etiquette Subcommittee 7 develops standards addressing spectrum etiquettes, wireless coexistence and related standards to provide new or amended measurement techniques, protocols or methods and associated instrumentation and operational constraints supporting more efficient spectrum utilization, including dynamic spectrum access.

3 3 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Revision of C63.27 TITLE American National Standard on Evaluation of Wireless Coexistence PROJECT STATUS Working group has been having telecons approximately monthly. Draft is being prepared. Since the May 2013 meeting the draft has moved from revision 0.6 to 0.13.

4 4 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Revision of C63.27 SCOPE FOR PROJECT This standard provides an evaluation procedure and supporting test methods for wireless coexistence and evaluation of key performance indicators (KPI). The standard will provide evaluation procedures, test methods and other guidance necessary for performing the evaluation.

5 5 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC SC7 Membership Status & Recommendation 16 members being proposed for SC 7 Officers for 2014: Chair – Stephen Berger Vice-Chair – Seth Seidman Secretary – Bill Young

6 6 SC7 Membership

7 7 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC C63.27 WG Membership Status & Recommendation 10 current WG members & 62 participants Officers: Chair – Stephen Berger Vice-Chair – Nick LaSorte Secretary – Jason Coder

8 8 C63.27 WG Membership

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10 10 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC C63.17 Study Project Study project to explore: The need to revise test methods to support DECT ULE device. To examine whether additional guidance is needed for testing laboratories for testing DECT ULE devices. To seek quantitative data on the baseline reliability of the UPCS band etiquette and the potential impact of various proposed changes to the etiquette or the supporting test methods. PROJECT STATUS Study approved by SC7 on April 29, 2014.

11 11 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Collection of Spectrum Data Study Project Study project to standardized data record format so that data from multiple spectrum studies can be analyzed to understand spectrum utilization, with an emphasis on gathering data from diverse instrumentation. PROJECT STATUS Study approved by SC7 on April 29, 2014. Jason Coder of NIST to chair the effort.

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