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EU public support to automotive industry Several key actions –eSafety and Intelligent Car Initiative (DG Infso) : a wide range of ICT based systems including.

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1 EU public support to automotive industry Several key actions –eSafety and Intelligent Car Initiative (DG Infso) : a wide range of ICT based systems including infrastructure –CARS21 (DG ENTR): dedicated to policy making –Green Cars Initiative (DG Research) EIB loans to finance research and innovation Actions amplified after the economic crisis –European Economic Recovery Plan (Nov 2008) “European Green cars initiative”, a private public partnership, implemented through the FPRD –February 2009 A follow-up of CARS21, aimed at “weigh up the costs and benefits of any new legislative initiative and seek, as far as possible, to avoid creating new economic burdens”. Allow State aid for “green products” including cars. Direct support from Commission through the European Investment Bank (EIB) and 7th FP The EIB is expected to approve a total of € 6.8 billion. A research partnership between the public and private sector, on the mobility of the future, with an estimated total value of € 1 billion. Boosting demand for new vehicles and accelerating fleet renewal: it includes faster approval of scrapping schemes developed by national authorities, as well as “full use of public procurement”. APE 28 April 2010

2 Public support to automotive software R&D Supported by the R&D Framework –Among several European Technology Platform (ETP) launched by the European Commission, three are “automotive relevant”: EPoSS (European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration), ARTEMIS (Advanced Research & Technology for Embedded Intelligence and Systems) and ENIAC (for components). –Artemis and ENIAC both became Joint Technology Initiative, implemented by respective Joint Undertaking. These organizations allow for a combined funding by the European Commission and member states. –Vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure: Cvis, Coopers, Safespot Supported by Eureka clusters –ITEA2 is the Eureka cluster for software intensive systems. –One of its largest project was EAST-EAA, which contributed strongly to AUTOSAR. –ITEA2 is currently funding projects to build above AUTOSAR, like TIMMO and Modelisar. APE 28 April 2010

3 European National public support to automotive industry: two major examples Germany –E-Mobility programme Goal: in 10 years one million electric cars Budget 500Meuros (may be up to 2 billion euros) –A support to the automotive sector of 700 million Euros was also announced (source : Automobil Elektronik December 2009). Several ministries, including Research, Economy and Transport, manage the recovery measures. They include measures for the electrification of the car and development of fuel cells. France –In October 2009 was launched “the battle of the electric car”, implying 1.5 billion Euros investment, with the goal to have two million electric vehicles in 2020. –The FMEA (Fonds de Modernisation des Equipements Automobiles) was created with 600MEUR available for investment, provided equally by the companies Renault and PSA and by the FSI (Fonds Stratégique d’Investissement). A FMEA dedicated to Tier2 companies was funded at the level of 50Meur. APE 28 April 2010

4 US public support to automotive Public support to OEM –In January 2010, more than 77 billion of USD invested, loaned or spent for 3 recipients: GM, Chrysler and GMAC Other public support –March 2009 US Treasury Automotive Supplier Support Program “provide up to 5 billions in financing” –August 2009 2.4 billion USD grants to fund the “manufacturing and the deployment of electric vehicles, batteries and components” –Tax credits for buying EV (for Plug-in EV up to 7500 USD) –Goal: putting one million plug-in vehicle on US roads in 2015 APE 28 April 2010

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