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2 Transparency 1 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers.

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4 Example 1-4b Objective Write verbal phrases and sentences as simple algebraic expressions and equations

5 Example 1-4b Review Vocabulary Expression A combination of variables, numbers, and at least one operation (no equal sign) x - 7 Equation Two expressions that have the same value on each sign of the equal sign x - 7 = 13 Where x = 20

6 Example 1-4b Subtraction Expressions LessNumbers in order read Less thanNumber that is “less than” will come after the subtraction sign 8 less a number8 - x A number less 8x - 8 8 less than a numberx - 8 A number less than 88 - x

7 Example 1-4b Multiplication Expressions TwiceMultiply by 2 HalfDivide by 2 Twice a number2x Division Expressions Half a numberx 2

8 Lesson 1 Contents Example 1Write a Phrase as an Expression Example 2Write a Sentence as an Equation Example 3Write Sentences as Equations Example 4Write Sentences as Equations

9 Example 1-1a Write the phrase twenty dollars less the price of a movie ticket as an algebraic expression. twenty dollars less the price of a movie ticket Answer: 1/4 Write the phrase price of a movie ticket m = price of movie ticket Determine process word 20 - m “less” means subtract in order of numbers Define the variable

10 Example 1-1b Write the phrase five more inches of snow than last year’s snowfall as an algebraic expression. Answer: 1/4

11 Example 1-2a Write the sentence a number less 4 is 12 as an algebraic equation. 2/4 Write the phrase a number less 4 is 12 Define the variable n = a number Determine process word “less” means subtract in order of numbers n - 4 Determine what the expressions equals = 12 Answer: n - 4 = 12

12 Example 1-2b Write the sentence eight less than a number is 12 as an algebraic equation. Answer: 2/4

13 Example 1-3a Write the sentence twice a number is 18 as an algebraic equation. twice a number is 18 Answer: 3/4 Write the phrase twice a number is 18 Define the variable n = a number Determine process word “twice” refers to multiply by 2 2n Determine what the expressions equals = 18 2n = 18

14 Example 1-3b Write the sentence four times a number equals 96 as an algebraic equation. Answer: 3/4

15 Example 1-4a FOOD An average American adult drinks more soft drinks than any other beverage each year. Three times the number of gallons of soft drinks plus 27 is equal to the total 183 gallons of beverages consumed. Write an equation that models this situation. 4/4 Define the variable the number of gallons of soft drinks d = the number of gallons of soft drinks Determine process word “three times” refers to multiply the number by 3 3d Determine the next process word “plus” refers to addition + 27

16 Example 1-4a FOOD An average American adult drinks more soft drinks than any other beverage each year. Three times the number of gallons of soft drinks plus 27 is equal to the total 183 gallons of beverages consumed. Write an equation that models this situation. 4/4 the number of gallons of soft drinks d = the number of gallons of soft drinks 3d+ 27 Determine what the expressions equals = 183 Answer: 3d + 27 = 183

17 Example 1-4b EXERCISE It is estimated that American adults spend an average of 8 hours per month exercising. This is 26 hours less than twice the number of hours spent watching television each month. Write an equation that models this situation. Answer: * 4/4

18 End of Lesson 1 Assignment Lesson 4:1 Writing Expressions and Equations 3 - 25 All

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