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EdTPA Resident Teacher Breakfast, 1-26-16 UC Davis Multiple Subject Teacher Education.

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Presentation on theme: "EdTPA Resident Teacher Breakfast, 1-26-16 UC Davis Multiple Subject Teacher Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 edTPA Resident Teacher Breakfast, 1-26-16 UC Davis Multiple Subject Teacher Education

2 Introduction, I O edTPA is a nationally based performance assessment for teachers that examines: O Subject matter knowledge combined with pedagogy and the use of standards O Awareness of research and theory about how students learn O Reflections on analyzing and assessing student work O In short, dig deeper!

3 Introduction, II O There are 3 tasks connected to a literacy teaching event of 3-5 days O The is 1 task involving a mathematics assessment that covers a 3-5 day lesson and a 1 day re-engagement lesson O It requires a candidate to analyze and submit student work samples (written, audio or video evidence) and video clips of instuction

4 Introduction, III O It is based on what the designers refer to as the effective teaching cycle:

5 Introduction, IV O Crucial information is in the Handbook O Students are advised to use the rubrics as a guide to all of their work

6 Timeline I O January: Math edTPA O Identify learning segment, assessment, plan for reengagement O February 1-12 O Plan, teach/observe, analyze assessments, reteach O February 13-21 Plan for takeover O February 22-March 11th O Two week takeover window O NO CLASSES WEEK OF FEB 29!!

7 Timeline II O March 14-18 O Teach Literacy edTPA O On edTPA Literacy days, student teachers will work ½ days O March 28th Classes begin-no EDU 308 (begins following week) O Supervisors support and check in O April 8th EdTPA all parts due O April 14th Final Submission O May 5th Scores reported

8 Fails or partial fails O May 12th Next submission date O Failed/borderline scores can re-submit if only slight remediation is needed O June 2nd scores reported O May 26th Next resubmission date O June 16th scores reported O June 9th Next resubmission date O June 30th scores reported

9 Video/Audio Considerations, I O All clips must be continuous and unedited O Literacy Instructional Clips can come from the same or two different lessons O Maximum of 20 minutes total for both clips O Student-teacher interactions are valuable O Student-student interactions are valuable O Evidence of student use of academic language in the Literacy segment can be found in the Instructional Clips or it can be documented in an additional clip, maximum of 5 minutes

10 Video/Audio Considerations, II O Literacy assessment of the three focus students can be in written form or it can be in the form of video/audio clips. Smart phone recording apps are great for audio files! There is a maximum of 5 minutes per clip. O The Mathematics assessment video or audio files do not need to be made on the same day as the instruction. O Math assessment of the three focus students can be in written form or it can be video/audio clips. There is a maximum of 5 minutes per clip.

11 Video/Audio Considerations, III O The math clips can be used to analyze the 3-5 days of instruction and the re-engagement lesson. That means a possible 6 clips for this task. O The names state, school or district cannot appear in the video, audio or commentary. O The students should be identified by first names only. O If graphics such as SmartBoards or charts are not visible, students may insert digital images O If sound is inaudible, students may submit transcriptions, 2 pages maximum. Students can also provide subtitles or captions.

12 Task 4: Assessing Student Mathematics Learning Rubrics 16-18, I O Select a class. Class is defined as a minimum of four students. (p. 41, Handbook) O Provide Context Information O Identify a learning segment of 3 to 5 consecutive lessons O MUST HAVE A CENTRAL FOCUS and be explicitly connected to (UNPACKED) Standards O Taught between 2/1/16 and 2/12/16 O Observe or teach the learning segment O Define evaluation criteria – often this is in the form of a rubric.

13 Task 4: Assessing Student Mathematics Learning Rubrics 16-18, II O Develop or adapt and submit a formative assessment that “provides opportunities for students to demonstrate O Conceptual understanding O Computational/procedural fluency O Mathematical reasoning/problem solving” (p. 43, Handbook) O Analyze Student Work O Whole class O for 3 focus students. O This can include written samples for G 4-6 or it can be in the video/audio clips for primary. (p. 43, Handbook)

14 Task 4: Assessing Student Mathematics Learning Rubrics 16-18, III O Design a re-engagement lesson based on your formative assessment and the objective/goals of the original learning segment. O “In contrast to the lesson plans you created for the literacy learning segment (Tasks 1-3), your overview of the lesson segment should be brief, with just enough detail so the scorer can understand what the segment entails.” (Making Good Choices – task 4, p.3) O Collect, analyze and submit the work of the 3 focus students. This can be written or in the form of video or audio clips. O Evaluate the effectiveness of the the re-engagement.

15 Mathematics – Assessment 16

16 Mathematics – Assessment 17

17 Mathematics – Assessment 18

18 More Info O Handbook and other info can be found on t.html t.html O Great information is available at the AACTE/SCALE website,

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