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Mrs. B’s Biology version of the Maury Povich show.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. B’s Biology version of the Maury Povich show."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. B’s Biology version of the Maury Povich show

2  Paternity Test BioKit  Carolina #70-0130  Simplified paternity test using blood serums  Includes materials for 30 students  Cost $96.00

3  Learned about A/B/O blood types  Learned about Rh factors  Completed the Nobel Prize blood typing online activity  einer/ einer/

4  Purpose of this lab is to determine the blood groups of the mother (Betty), her natural daughter (Abby), and three possible fathers.  Students are in partners – one student is the “ABO investigator” and the other student is the “Rh investigator”

5 Agglutination occurs if a granular film appears on the blood  Blood reacting to anti-A is group A  Blood reacting to anti-B is group B  Blood reacting to both anti-A and anti-B is group AB  Blood not reacting to either anti-A or anti-B

6  Blood reacting to anti-Rh(D) is Rh+  Blood not reacting to anti-Rh(D) is Rh-

7  A lab handout  A partner  A test tray (one per partnership)  10 stirring sticks (per partnership)


9 Mother (Betty) Child (Abby) “Father #1” “Father #2” “Father #3” Anti-ANoYes NoYes Anti-BYes NoYes Anti- Rh(D) NoYesNo Yes ABO Group BABAB Rh(D) Group Rh-Rh+Rh- Rh+

10  After ABO group tests, #1 and #3 could both possibly be the fathers. #2 is NOT the father  After the Rh(D) group tests, #1 could not be the father  #3 is very possibly the father.

11  At this point, discuss that in an actual paternity test many other blood factors would be tested  Discuss the fact that when sufficient factors are tested, all nonfathers can be excluded

12  PROS  Agglutination is obvious with A/B/O  Easy to reproduce  High interest  CONS  Rh agglutination takes 3-5 minutes to get good results  Kit comes with a small amount of serum...order more and reproduce on your own

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