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Where is the Universe?. Cosmological Questions Temporal Temporal Spatial Spatial Compositional Compositional Teleological Teleological Behind physics.

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Presentation on theme: "Where is the Universe?. Cosmological Questions Temporal Temporal Spatial Spatial Compositional Compositional Teleological Teleological Behind physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where is the Universe?

2 Cosmological Questions Temporal Temporal Spatial Spatial Compositional Compositional Teleological Teleological Behind physics is the more ancient and honorable tradition of attempts to understand where the world came from, where it is going, and why. P. J. E. Peebles

3 Early Conceptions Babylonian Babylonian Egyptian Egyptian Hebraic Hebraic Pre-Socratic Pre-Socratic Aristotelian Aristotelian

4 Geocentric/Aristotelian  Principle of Plenitude  Quintessence

5 Medieval Dante’s ‘Moral’ Cosmology Dante’s ‘Moral’ Cosmology Geocentric Geocentric Theology Theology based based

6 Copernican Cosmos

7 Matter & Space

8 So, the Universe is…… Created? Created? Changing? Changing? M a y b e..... DEFINITELY NOT!

9 Geometry 0  Uniform: homogeneous & isotropic  Congruence geometry  Euclidean (Euclid)  Spherical (Riemann)  Hyperbolic (Gauss, Lobachevski, Bolyai)

10 Geometry 1  Euclidean  1 parallel  Triangle: 180 o  C = π D

11 Geometry 2  Spherical  0 parallels  Triangle: >180 o  C < π D

12 Geometry 3  Hyperbolic  ∞ parallels  Triangle: <180 o  C > π D

13 Geometry Affects Appearance  Euclidean  Spherical  Hyperbolic

14 Einstein Special Relativity Special Relativity Space-Time Space-Time General Relativity General Relativity Mass curves Spacetime Mass curves Spacetime Solutions of Einstein’s Field Equations Solutions of Einstein’s Field Equations Evolving universe Evolving universe Cosmological constant Cosmological constant

15 Evolving Universes

16 How much can we see?

17 Hubble’s Law V = H 0 D V = H 0 D

18 Everything recedes from everything!

19 Abundance of Light Isotopes

20 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

21 Tiny (significant) Fluctuations


23 Hot Big Bang Model

24 Problems Horizon problem Horizon problem Flatness problem Flatness problem ‘Goldilocks’ problem ‘Goldilocks’ problem More? More? More?

25 Inflation Ω = 1

26 Dark Matter: The Evidence ‘Peculiar’ motion of stars (Oort) ‘Peculiar’ motion of stars (Oort) Coma cluster (Zwicky) Coma cluster (Zwicky) ClusterSim Galaxy rotation Galaxy rotation GalRot GalRotGalRot Galaxy clusters Galaxy clusters Superclusters Superclusters NGC3198

27 Dark Matter: What is it? Dark MatterNot Dark Matter Baryonic MACHOs MACHOsPlanets Brown dwarfs Red dwarfs Black holes Hot gas Hot gasNon-Baryonic HDM Neutrinos CDM WIMPs Axions Photinos Quark nuggets

28 What’s the Matter?

29 Accidents Happen

30 Find the Supernova

31 How It’s Done

32 Supernovae  SNAP

33 CMB  Penzias/Wilson  COBE  Boomerang  WMAP

34 Dark Energy Cosmological constant (Λ) or vacuum energy Cosmological constant (Λ) or vacuum energy constant constant Quintessence Quintessence Dynamic Evolving Spatially dependent k-essence k-essence “tracker” fields “tracker” fields predicted by some particle physics theories predicted by some particle physics theories

35 What’s the Universe?

36 Putting It All Together

37 Recipe for Our Universe

38 History of Universe Cubs return to World Series

39 Whither the Universe? 2 BY 6 BY 14 BY 24 BY 33 BY 44 BY 65 BY 75 BY

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