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P. 168-169 Ch. 4 Review Questions l. Pythagoras-Greek philosopher -light 'travelled in beams (particles) 2. Lenses- Examples: Reading stones Spectacles.

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Presentation on theme: "P. 168-169 Ch. 4 Review Questions l. Pythagoras-Greek philosopher -light 'travelled in beams (particles) 2. Lenses- Examples: Reading stones Spectacles."— Presentation transcript:

1 p. 168-169 Ch. 4 Review Questions l. Pythagoras-Greek philosopher -light 'travelled in beams (particles) 2. Lenses- Examples: Reading stones Spectacles Telescope

2 3. Wave theory - Thomas Young and Augustin Fresnel 4. a) F - crest b) G - amplitude c) H - trough d) J - wavelength 5. Inversely related. As wavelength increases; frequency decreases 6. Light and sound waves both carry energy. Similar; both have frequency, wavelength and amplitude

3 8. All colors of light have waves with same general shape. (shape of a transverse wave). Light waves move at SAME speed in a vacuum. b) different colors have different wavelengths and frequencies. 9. Hertz (Hz) measures frequency 1 Hertz means one cycle (or vibration) per second. 10. Wavelength = trough to trough OR crest to crest Amplitude = height of the wave Ex. (if talking about water) -crest to surface or trough to surface 11. Wave A: A = 0.5 m W = 1.0 m 12. Wave B: A = 0.4 m W = 2.1 m

4 13. Wave C: A = 0.6 m W = 2.0 m 14. Appears blue because pigment in shirt absorbs all the colors EXCEPT blue--blue is reflected so that is the color we see. 15. Longer waves = radio and infrared Visible light Shorter waves = ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma 16. MRI - Powerful magnet, radio wave emitter, radio wave detector. Atoms that make up tissue behave like little magnets. When stimulated with radio wave s they flip sending out a signal which is detected by MRI. These signals are converted to pictures.

5 18. Lightning / thunder occur at same time. Speed of light is much faster than speed of sound. 300 000 000 m/s Versus 343 m/s 20. a) 14 crests/ 7 sec = 2 Hz b) 30/5 = 6 Hz c) 0.5 crests / 10 sec = 0.05 Hz 21. Wavelength and frequency CANNOT both increase because as wavelength gets longer crests and troughs get further apart. 24. X-rays cause cancer with too large a dose. even cause burns as well.

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