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Font Analysis of A Film Poster Tom Royston’s A2 Media Research.

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1 Font Analysis of A Film Poster Tom Royston’s A2 Media Research

2 Twilight Font Analysis The twilight poster has a rather distinctive font, the font, as shown. On the left, has elements of a normal text whilst using elements of abstraction and a unique style. This could be an example of how the film aims to be different from any other film in this genre, and the font itself has a grey tinge to it, this is almost a reflection of the colours that are common throughout the film, and the poster too, the font also has a unique style in terms of the font actually being dragged out a little further this could be a representation of the way in which the “Vampires” skin twinkles like diamonds when exposed to sunlight. This could also have a loose link to the name of the film being twilight, a person would commonly associate twilight being stars and stars glinting could be the look hoping to be achieved by the next here. The text itself actually incorporates elements of horror, which in essence the film does itself, the colour of the font ties in with the dark elements of the film and the poster and package as a whole. The font has sharp edges opposed to being rounded which could show the elements of danger that are present during the film, almost being put “on edge.”

3 Fonts Used In The Vow This is an example of a font that is used in a romance film, it can clearly be seen that the font is quite plain and normal, the text is quite bright and neutral this resembles the normality of the film itself. The font can also resemble the title of the film, but in this instance it is plain and simple and fits in with the film poster as a whole.

4 P.S I Love You Font The font in P.S I love you is a good example of when the font recreates the feeling of the film and the title. The idea of the film being based around the writing of letters is recreated in the font, and the red colour used In the font is mainly used as a colour that is commonly associated with love.

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