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Sam Mendenhall. Smash as many cockroaches as you can using the tangible tools Avoid smashing the ladybugs Get high score after several waves of bugs Flashlights.

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Presentation on theme: "Sam Mendenhall. Smash as many cockroaches as you can using the tangible tools Avoid smashing the ladybugs Get high score after several waves of bugs Flashlights."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sam Mendenhall

2 Smash as many cockroaches as you can using the tangible tools Avoid smashing the ladybugs Get high score after several waves of bugs Flashlights Masher

3 The screen is darkened out until a flashlight is placed down to illuminate a part of it To smash a roach, you must trap them under a tangible and twist Cockroaches will move to avoid both the tangibles and lights, so smash quickly

4 Make a simple, engaging casual game Make use of tangible objects Leverage psychological factors Insectophobia Weirdly satisfying feeling when smashing a tricky roach Put in sounds/visuals to give a more visceral impact Make multiplayer Easy due to table platform

5 Just placing tangibles to smash things not good enough Leads to “vacuuming” instead of smashing Added twist gesture to interaction To make the user more careful, added avoidance of ladybugs as a main feature To add yet another layer of interaction, added flashlight interaction To add challenge, made insects react to smashing tangibles and light sources

6 Development machine way different from testing platform Virtually impossible to get a decent score on table simulator Tracking sometimes dodgy User overestimates ability to track twist gesture

7 Additional tangible weapons Roach motels? Bug spray? Bigger variety of bugs Bossroach, must work together and use all weapons Better splat effects Happy Smashing!

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