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-Monarchy -Democracy -Representative Democracy (Republic) -Dictatorship.

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2 -Monarchy -Democracy -Representative Democracy (Republic) -Dictatorship

3 Monarchy A country is ruled by a King or Queen Power is inherited by birth The people DO NOT elect a King or Queen In modern monarchies, King and Queens are symbols of the country and do not have direct power. England, for example, has a Queen, but the real power rests with the people who vote for their representatives.

4 Democracy In this type of government, EVERYONE votes DIRECTLY on issues. Most countries do not have true democracies, because it is difficult for large populations to vote on all issues. Today, true democracies only exist in small villages or for local issues.

5 Republic or Representative Democracy In this type of government, people elect representatives in order to make laws on their behalf. THE UNITED STATES IS A REPUBLIC! (Check the Pledge of Alligance) We vote for people to represent us in our government. If we do not like how they are representing us, what can we do? We can vote for someone else.

6 Dictatorship A dictator is a person who has total control of a country. The people have no say in the decisions and laws that are made. Sometimes the dictator makes promises that sound good, but does not follow through. Where does a dictatorship exist today? Does it work? Would you like to live under a dictator’s rule?

7 Let’s Play! Here we go!

8 What type of government has rulers that inherit power by birth?

9 Monarchy!! You rock!

10 What type of government allows people to elect representative to make decisions for them?

11 Republic! Think about the pledge!

12 Which type of government is ruled by one person and the people have no say in decisions?

13 Democracy Remember, we do not live in a true democracy. We live in a REPUBLIC, which is a form of democracy.

14 What type of government do we have in the United States?

15 Republic! You got it!

16 How can citizens in our country express their opinions?

17 Lots of ways! VOTE Call your representatives E-mail your representatives Write a letter There are lots of ways you can get involved and have a say in your government!

18 Dictatorship! Hitler, Stalin and Castro! (Boo! Hiss!)

19 Which type of government allows people to vote directly on issues?

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