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1 Ying Wa Girls’ School Mentorship Programme Orientation 2009 – 10.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Ying Wa Girls’ School Mentorship Programme Orientation 2009 – 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Ying Wa Girls’ School Mentorship Programme Orientation 2009 – 10

2 2 Tips for Mentees ~ How to Be a Better Mentee

3 3 “Perfect” Mentor-mentee Matching? Based on interests, career choice / ambitions Not many pairs! 1 mentor: 1 mentee Vs 1 mentor: 2 mentees

4 4 “Perfect” Mentor-mentee Matching? If not … make it right make it work !

5 5 A Good Mentee is … keen responsible committed

6 6 A Good Mentee is … active ~ takes part in ALL mass activities ~ takes initiative in contacting mentor ~ maintains regular contact with mentor (through calls / email / SMS etc)

7 7 A Good Mentee is … responsive ~ replies to mentor’s calls / email etc ~ is ready to answer mentor’s questions ~ gives longer answers ~ is reasonably open

8 8 Ideal Mentor-mentee Relationships … Partners meet at least in 2 mass activities Some private meetings too ~ tea / lunch / dinner ~ visiting mentor’s work place ~ visiting mentor’s home ~ gathering with other MM groups Regular contact Sustained after programme ends

9 9 Some More Do’s … Be punctual for meetings Be courteous & thankful Give mentor adequate notice if you can’t attend meetings Get help from Miss Wong / Mak if you have problems

10 10 Some Dont’s … Give yourself excuses for not contacting your mentor (I’m / She’s / We’re too busy!) Disclose mentor’s personal information Compare own mentor with other mentors Take mentor’s sponsorship for granted Don’t!

11 11 Points to Ponder … What can I tell my mentor in the first meeting? What can I discuss with her in future? How committed am I to this programme? Do I have any questions about this programme?

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