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Make Our Work Count! A guide to entering data into CSE to ensure proper reporting on the CS1257 Brought to you by the number 16.

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Presentation on theme: "Make Our Work Count! A guide to entering data into CSE to ensure proper reporting on the CS1257 Brought to you by the number 16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make Our Work Count! A guide to entering data into CSE to ensure proper reporting on the CS1257 Brought to you by the number 16

2 Establishing Paternity Today’s Focus

3 What is paternity?  Paternity means fatherhood.  Establishing paternity is the process of determining the legal father of a child. Who’s your daddy?

4 What lines on the 1257 address Paternity? There are 11 lines on the 1257 that address paternity. This training will only focus on the three lines most effected by user data entry. Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Opened at the End of the Month Born Out-Of-Wedlock Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged Line 16 – Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity Was Established Judicially During the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY)

5 Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of- Wedlock 1.The child must be in a case that reports on Line 1 – Cases Open at the End of the Month 2.The “Latest Good Cause Status” is NOT “Granted” 3.Case must NOT be a “Spousal Support Only” case (if it is, review the case for closure) 4.The child must have a status of “Active, Emancipated, Not-in- Household or Deceased” If child is Emancipated, he/she must not have turned 18 before the start of the current FFY. If the child is Deceased, the date of death must be after the start of the current FFY. (continued on next slide)

6 Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of- Wedlock (cont) 5.The “Unborn Participant” checkbox for the child is not checked. 6.The NCP must have a status of “Active” 7.The child parentage status is NOT “Never at Issue” 8.The NCP must be the Father or Putative Parent on the case 9.If the Father/Putative Parent or Mother is deceased, paternity must have been established.

7 Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of-Wedlock (cont) 1. Must report on Line 1 - On the “Case Overview” screen: - The Case Status must be “Open” on the last day of the reporting period. - The Federal Case Type must not be “Non IV-D”. - The CA Interstate must not have the “No US Jurisdiction” box checked.

8 Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of- Wedlock (cont) 2.The “Latest Good Cause Status” is NOT “Granted” – On “Case Overview” screen

9 Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of- Wedlock (cont) 3) Must NOT be a “Spousal Support Only case – Case tab > Financial hyperlink > Case Balance History screen > Click on “Month” hyperlink > Case Balance Detail -Obligation Column must contain obligation types other than spousal support

10 Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of-Wedlock (cont) 4.The child must have a status of “Active, Emancipated, Not-in- Household or Deceased” If child is Emancipated, he/she must not have turned 18 before the start of the current FFY. If the child is Deceased, the date of death must be after the start of the current FFY. - Case Overview screen > Case Participant List hyperlink Continued on next slide

11 Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of-Wedlock (cont) - Case Overview screen > Case Participant List hyperlink > Participant Name hyperlink > Participant Detail hyperlink > Demographics Detail section

12 Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of-Wedlock (cont) 5.The “Unborn Participant” checkbox for the child is not checked. - Case Overview screen > Case Participant List hyperlink > Participant Name hyperlink > Participant Detail hyperlink > Participant Detail screen

13 Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of-Wedlock (cont) 5.The NCP must have a status of “Active” 6.The child parentage status is NOT “Never at Issue” - Case Overview screen > Case Participant List hyperlink

14 Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of- Wedlock (cont) 7.The NCP must be the Father or Putative Parent on the case – Case Overview > Required Relationship hyperlink

15 Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of- Wedlock (cont) 8.If the Father/Putative Parent or Mother is deceased, paternity must have been established - Participant Tab > Relationship List > Father/Mother hyperlink > Participant Relationship Detail screen > Parentage Information Section - Compare Parentage Status Date to Deceased Date on NP’s Participant Detail Screen

16 Fun Fact Joe Montana wore number 16 while winning four Super Bowls with the San Francisco 49ers I don’t think this cape goes with my helmet….

17 Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged 1.The child must be in a case that is either open or has been closed during the current reporting period. 2.The “Latest Good Cause Status” in NOT “Granted” 3.Case must NOT be a “Spousal Support Only” case (if it is, review the case for closure) 4.The child must have a status of “Active, Emancipated, Not-in-Household or Deceased”. If child is Emancipated, he/she must not have turned 18 before the start of the current FFY. 5.The NCP must have a status of “Active”. The NCP must be the Father on the case. (continued on next slide)

18 Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged (cont) 6.The child parentage status is “Adjudicated or Acknowledged” 7.The parentage status date must be before or during the reporting period 8.If the child is deceased, the parentage status date must be before (or on) the child’s date of death. 9.The “Unborn Participant” checkbox for the child is not checked. 10.The order establishing paternity: -Must not be a Voluntary Pay Agreement (VPA) -Must have a judge signed date

19 Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged (cont) Criteria 1-4 are the same validation steps as 1 – 4 for Line 5.

20 Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged (cont) 5. The NCP must have a status of “Active”. - Case Overview screen > Case Participant List hyperlink AND

21 Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged (cont) 5. (cont) The NCP must be the Father on the case. - Case Overview screen > Required Relationships hyperlink

22 Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged (cont) 6.The child parentage status is “Adjudicated or Acknowledged” 7.The parentage status date must be before or during reporting period 8.If the child is deceased, the parentage status date must be before (or on) the child’s date of death. - Required Relationship List > Click on Father hyperlink > Required Relationship Detail screen - Compare Parentage date with deceased date on child’s Participant Detail screen

23 Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged (cont) 9.The “Unborn Participant” checkbox for the child is not checked. - Participant Tab > Participant Detail hyperlink

24 Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged (cont) 10.The order establishing paternity: -Must not be a Voluntary Pay Agreement (VPA) -Must have a judge signed date -Case tab > Legal Activities hyperlink > Court Order list hyperlink > Order Type hyper link > Support Order Detail page

25 Fun Fact Sixteen is the legal drinking age in France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Italy, The Netherlands and Portugal.

26 Line 16 – Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity Was Established Judicially During the (FFY) 1.The child must be in a case that is either open or was closed during the reporting period. 2.The “Latest Good Cause Status” in NOT “Granted” 3.Case must NOT be a “Spousal Support Only” case (if it is, review the case for closure) 4.The NCP must be the Father on the case The NCP must have a status of “Active” 5.The child must have a status of “Active, Emancipated, Not-in-Household or Deceased”. If child is Emancipated, he/she must not have turned 18 before the start of the current FFY. (continued on next slide)

27 Line 16 – Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity Was Established Judicially During the FFY (cont) 6.The “Unborn Participant” checkbox for the child is not checked. 7.If the child is deceased, the parentage status date must be before (or on) the child’s date of death. (continued on next slide)

28 Line 16 – Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity Was Established Judicially During the FFY (cont) 8.Paternity must have been judicially established by the IV-D agency during the reporting period: a) Parentage status must be “Adjudicated” b) Parentage status date must be within the reporting period c) POP Declaration value must be “No” d) Order Type must NOT be “VPA” e) Source Document must NOT be “Family Law Judgment” or “VPA” f) Must have a judge signed date within the period of time the case was open g) Issuing State of order must be California h) Parentage Terms must be “Established”

29 Line 16 – Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity Was Established Judicially During the FFY (cont) For criteria 1-7 validation steps are the same as Line 6.

30 Line 16 – Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity Was Established Judicially During the FFY (cont) 8.Paternity must have been judicially established by the IV-D agency during the reporting period: a) Parentage status must be “Adjudicated” b) Parentage status date must be within the reporting period c) POP Declaration value must be “No”. - Required Relationship List > Click on Father hyperlink > Required Relationship Detail screen

31 Line 16 – Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity Was Established Judicially During the FFY (cont) 8. d) Order Type must NOT be “VPA” e) Source Document must NOT be “Family Law Judgment” or “VPA” f) Must have a judge signed date within the period of time the case was open g) Issuing State of order must be California -Case tab > Legal Activities hyperlink > Court Order list hyperlink > Order Type hyper link > Support Order Detail page > Order Information

32 Line 16 – Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity Was Established Judicially During the FFY (cont) 8.h) Parentage Terms must be “Established” - Case tab > Legal Activities hyperlink > Court Order list hyperlink > Order Type hyper link > Support Order Detail page > Parentage and Health Insurance Terms List

33 Fun Fact 16 is one of ‘The Numbers’ (4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42) featured in the TV Series “Lost”

34 CSE and Paternity DID YOU KNOW?

35  Updates to Parentage Status should always be done by the appropriate action. To get a status of ‘Adjudicated’ enter a support order, for ‘Acknowledged’ link a POP declaration.  When parentage is adjudicated through a support order, but it is found later that parentage was acknowledged prior to obtaining the adjudication, CSE reports the earliest parentage status.  CSE will have the prior acknowledgement date (e.g. 1/1/2004) as well as the adjudication filed date (e.g. 6/1/2004) on record, and will report the parentage establishment that occurred first.  There is only one active parentage status that is displayed in the system. CSE determines what should be displayed (and what should be reported) based on what it sees in the chronological list.

36  With the appropriate security permissions, you can view and edit the history information using the View Parentage Status History hyperlink on the “Required Relationship Detail” Page to access the “Parentage Status History List” Page. Edits made on the “Parentage Status History List” Page will impact the parentage status that displays on the “Required Relationship Detail” Page and the parentage status that is reported on the 1257.  Through a batch process, CSE searches all cases in the system for the same mother, father, and child. Upon identifying such a match, as long as the paternity declaration has not been rescinded or set aside, CSE links the Paternity Declaration record to the appropriate participant relationship (NCP and Dependent relationship). If CSE identifies a potential match to the persons listed on the Paternity Declaration, CSE generates the Action Needed Task ES003 Review Case for Potential Paternity Declaration Match.

37 Associated Tasks: ES003-Review Case for Potential Paternity Declaration Match ES004-Review Case Where Paternity Updated to Acknowledged ES005-Review Case Where POP Declaration was Set Aside or Rescinded CM045-Review Case - New NCP/PP CM046-Review Case - Dependent Added or Activated with Potential Multiple Paternity Opportunity Program (POP) Declarations CM081-Review Case - NCP Excluded CM082-Review Case - NCP Excluded for Some Dependants CM083-Review Case - NCP and Putative Parent Excluded

38 More Associated Tasks: CM094-Review Case - New NCP/PP CM095-Review Participant Update - Provide Putative Parent Rank CM096-Review Participant Update - Putative Parent Not Found DR002 – Review CP and NCP’s Marriage Date and Dependent’s Date of Birth DR003-Review Parentage Status When NCP is the Mother DR004-Update Paternity Establishment Date or Dependent's Date of Birth

39 Previous MOWC Training Q&A Q4. If you have a Paternity Only order that is being modified to a support amount, should you mark the Parentage Status in the new Support Order Detail screen as being “Established” or should you leave the Paternity Only order “Active”? A4. The parentage status should not be marked established on the new support order. The paternity only order will become historic because there are no support terms not addressed in the modified order. Even though the paternity order is marked as historic, the parentage status on the Required Relationship Detail page will still show “adjudicated” and count on line 16 in the appropriate reporting period. Reference: Staff Development & 1257 Reporting Details Q5. The “Parentage Status Date” is blank on the Required Relationship Detail Page even though there is a Parentage Status listed. How do I fix? A5. If you entered the Required Relationship Detail Screen through the case level, some cases that converted to CSE do not promote the Parentage Status Date to the Required Relationship Detail Page. This is a known issue. If this is happening on a case created in CSE, please report the issue In order to determine the Parentage Status Date in these cases, you can either click the “View Parentage Status History” hyperlink on the Required Relationship Detail page at case level or view the information at the participant level. Reference: 1257 Reporting Details

40 REMEMBER….. How many times did Count Von Count appear in this presentation? MAKE OUR WORK COUNT!!

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