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DO NOW task cards for social studies, science, and language arts.

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1 DO NOW task cards for social studies, science, and language arts

2 Read the passage. Highlight any words that you think should be on our vocab list. Read the passage. Highlight the title of the passage. Highlight any words that help DEFINE the title. Read the passage. Highlight the most important sentence in each paragraph. Read the passage. Highlight the most important word in each paragraph and use them to rewrite the title.

3 Read the passage. Highlight any words that tell you who this passage is about. Read the passage. Highlight any words that tell you what this passage is about. Read the passage. Highlight any words that tell you when/where this passage takes place. Read the title of this passage. Highlight any words that help explain the title.

4 Read the passage. Write a question that starts with WHAT that can be answered by the passage. Read the passage. Write a question that start with WHY that can be answered by the passage. Read the passage. Write a question that starts with WHO that can be answered by the passage. Read the passage. Write a question that starts with WHEN or WHERE that can be answered by the passage.

5 READING task cards to think like a scientist

6 Read the passage. Highlight words that help define the what is happening. Read the passage. Highlight words that help define vocabulary words. Read the passage. Highlight words that help describe steps or processes. Read the passage. Highlight words that make you wonder why.

7 1. Think like a scientist and choose one thing that you don’t understand. 4. Think like a scientist and confirm or change your inference 2. Think like a scientist and look for facts that might help explain what you don’t understand. 3. Think like a scientist and based on your facts, make an inference about what you don’t understand.

8 1. Think like a scientist and find vocab that helps explain your subject. 4. Think like a scientist and using what your found, make a hypothesis about your subject. 2. Think like a scientist and find graphs, charts, illustrations that help explain your subject. 3. Think like a scientist and look for facts that help explain your subject.

9 READING task cards to think like a historian

10 Read the passage. Highlight words that help define the what is happening. Read the passage. Highlight words that help define why or how this event was important. Read the passage. Highlight words that help describe when or where this event took place Read the passage. Highlight words that explain who experienced or was affected by this event.

11 1. Think like an historian and pick an event or a moment in time. 4. Think like an historian and see if you can find an original (primary source) account of the event. 2. Think like an historian and look for facts that might help explain the event you chose. 3. Think like an historian and see if you can put the events in chronological order

12 1. Think like an historian and find the opinion that represents one side of an event. 4. Think like an historian and contrast how the sides are different. 2. Think like an historian and find the opinion that represents the other side of an event. 3. Think like an historian and compare how the sides are alike.

13 READING task cards to think like a literature professor

14 Read the passage. Highlight words that help show how moments in the plot of the story. Read the passage. Highlight words that help describe the moral of the story. Read the passage. Highlight words that help describe how the characters’ solve their problems. Read the passage. Highlight words that explain the characters’ problems in the story.

15 1. Think like a literary professor and ask why the author chose to write the story in this genre. 2. Think like a literary professor and ask why the author uses the words he or she uses. 3. Think like a literary professor and ask why the author chose this setting for the story. 4. Think like a literary professor and ask why the author chose this format for his story.

16 1. Think like a literary professor and ask why the characters interact as they do in the story. 2. Think like a literary professor and ask why the characters’ emotions relate to the story. 3. Think like a literary professor and ask how the characters’ behaviors and choices relate to the story. 4. Think like a literary professor and ask how the characters’ problems relate to the theme of the story.

17 Think like a literary professor and ask what is the theme of the story. Think like a literary professor and ask what is the resolution of the story. Think like a literary professor and ask how the story is structured. Think like a literary professor and ask how the author uses figurative language.

18 EXIT TICKET task cards for social studies, science, and language arts

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