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Why do Hindus have many gods? Why do you think they are shown with “superhuman” features ? Roles Aspects Preferences Represen tations.

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Presentation on theme: "Why do Hindus have many gods? Why do you think they are shown with “superhuman” features ? Roles Aspects Preferences Represen tations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do Hindus have many gods? Why do you think they are shown with “superhuman” features ? Roles Aspects Preferences Represen tations

2 The Trimurti (Hindu Trinity) To describe the 3 gods of the Trimurti To explain what their roles are To see if there is any similarity with the Christian Trinity What do you think the role of the gods in the Hindu Trinity might be?

3 Creation Destruction Preservation/ Keeps the world going Brahma – the Creator. Vishnu – the Sustainer: Shiva – the Destroyer. 1. For each of the three gods, write bullet points from the information slip. 2. Explain why someone might worship this god. 3.Try and draw these gods !

4 Creation Destruction Preservation/ Keeps the world going Brahma – the Creator. Made wold -through meditation. 4 heads = 4 directions – all knowing gaze on beauty of his wife Holds beads (time), water pot (element of creation), oil for sacrifices, the Vdeas Consort – Sarawasti. Goddess of knowledge few people worship this god now. Vishnu -Life giving/ sustainer -?same as Brahman: made the other 2? - has 10 other forms (avatars) -crown, conch shell, garland -Consort – Laskhmi. Goddess of love, beauty and delight Shiva – the Destroyer. causes change /death/ destruction. snakes = energy, & beyond the power of death & poison. Consort – Parvati. Goddess of power, destruction and transformation. Can appear in terrifying form as Kali, or Durga. Mark your patner’s work. Give them a tick for each point they have included.

5 Brahma Vishnu Shiva

6 Vishnu: for some Hindus, Vishnu is Brahman, and made the other gods. He is recognised by his symbols. 1.The Om sound of creation 2.Purity and eternity 3.Destruction of demons – cuts off their heads 4.supreme authority 5.All powerful and everywhere present 6.The energy of living things C. Conch shell D. Crown F. mace E. four arms B. Lotus flower A. discus Write a subtitle “Vishnu’s symbols” Match the symbols to what they represent. Draw the symbols.

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