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Welcome!!!!. Two truths & a lie Syllabus Faculty Information Instructor: Shawn Jackson Phone: 910-692-6554 ext. 3207.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome!!!!. Two truths & a lie Syllabus Faculty Information Instructor: Shawn Jackson Phone: 910-692-6554 ext. 3207."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome!!!!


3 Two truths & a lie

4 Syllabus

5 Faculty Information Instructor: Shawn Jackson Email: Phone: 910-692-6554 ext. 3207

6 Course Description A development of the fundamental principles of chemistry and their applications. Chemical nomenclature, stoichiometry, atomic structure, bonding theories, thermochemistry, periodic properties, solution calculations, gas laws, equilibrium, and the properties of solids, and liquids are among the topics discussed. This course is not easy. Each and every student will have to work hard to earn an A.

7 Bell Schedule 8:40aWARNING BELL 8:45a-10:20a 1st Period 10:25a-11:55a 2nd Period 12:00p-2:05p 3rd Period 2:10p-3:40p 4th Period

8 Mrs. Jackson likes… Students who: 1.Come to class prepared & on time. (Notebook, pen/pencil) 2.Do not drink or eat during science class. 3.Respect school property and the property of others. 4.Are courteous & raise your hand to contribute to the class 5.Are responsible for their own learning. 6.Profanity is a…. No no!!!! 7.Follow ALL lab safety rules. Students are expected to be able to follow these rules without intervention on my part. If they are unable to do so, then any of the following consequences (not an inclusive list) may be used depending on the situation: verbal warning, phone call home, a parent conference, a referral to ISS.

9 T T – Is it true? H– Is it helpful? I– Is it inspiring? N– Is it necessary? K– Is it kind? T T – Is it true? H– Is it helpful? I– Is it inspiring? N– Is it necessary? K– Is it kind?

10 Hall Passes If a student wishes to leave the classroom they will be required to trade their electronic device(s).

11 Grading System Points

12 Suggested Supplies: 2” Binder, Pencils, Highlighters, Calculator

13 Tardies After three tardies you will have detention. Following tardies will result in ISS. If you miss class work due to unexcused tardies, you will NOT be allowed to make that work up. If you drive yourself to school and are chronically tardy you will lose your parking privileges.

14 Electronic Devices No electronic devices, including cell phones or music players of any kind, are to be on or visible once the student enters the classroom environment. First and second offenses, a parent/guardian can pick up the device at the end of the school day from the front office Third and subsequent offenses, repeat offenders will have the confiscated items returned to the parents and the principal may prohibit that student from possessing any electronic device on campus. Chronic offenders could receive 1-3 days of ISS or OSS.

15 Dress Code Headwear: No headwear may be worn inside school buildings. Additionally, No student may wear bandannas, head scarves, do rags, skullcaps, sweatbands, etc. No headgear, including hats, toboggans, hoods, sunglasses, etc. may be worn inside any school building. Clothing: No clothing may be worn which is provocative, revealing, profane, vulgar or obscene. Clothing may not endanger the health or safety of the student or others. Clothing which might reasonably be expected to cause substantial disruption or material interference with school activities may not be worn. Examples of prohibited dress are: clothing that advertises a product illegal for students; clothing that depicts offensive statements, pictures or remarks; or clothing that may create a distraction from learning. In addition: All outer garments, such as shorts, skirts, skorts, and dresses, must be at least mid-thigh all the way around. Pants and shorts must be sized appropriately, including waist and length, and no undergarments (to include gym shorts) will be exposed. Pants must be worn at the waist at all times. Leggings and pajama pants (to include yoga pants, track pants, etc.) will not be worn unless an outer garment that meets dress code (mid-thigh) is worn over the leggings. Shirts must have an obvious shoulder line and must not be see through. Halter tops, tank tops, or spaghetti straps are not permitted. Bra-straps or undergarments will not be visible. *See note below. Oversized shirts past mid-thigh are not permitted. Any garment that is an obvious under garment, such as tank style t-shirts, slips, camisoles, etc., will not be worn as an outer garment. Heavy chains or large metal accessories of any type, i.e. wallet chains, chain belts, etc., are not permitted. Any garment or accessories that disrupt(s) the instructional program or may inflict harm may not be worn to school. Appropriate neckline must be evident at all times. Footwear must be appropriate for school activities.

16 Dress Code Violation


18 Exam Exemptions A new mandate by the state of North Carolina requires every student to take final examinations. There will be no exam exemptions. This class will have a NC Final Exam and will count towards 25% of your final grade.

19 Re-Test Policy: If a student fails a test, the student is allowed to retest. The students will have a total of 5 days to retest once the test is given back. They are required to come in twice, the first is for tutoring and the second is the retest. The retest covers all of the same material, but it is not the same test. They have to work for the better grade. The maximum grade they will receive is a 70. Tutoring Schedule: Mon. & Wed. before school 8:00 Tues. & Thurs. after school until 4:45.

20 Chemistry Course Schedule 1.Atom/Nuclear 2.Electron Configuration 3.Periodic Trends 4.Bonding 5.Nomenclature 6.Reactions 7.Stoichiometry 8.Gas Laws 9.Acids & Bases 10.Equilibrium

21 Physical Science Course Schedule 1.Matter 2.Atom/Nuclear 3.Periodic Trends 4.Bonding/Nomenclature 5.Reactions 6.Acids & Bases & Solutions 7.Forces & Motion 8.Work & Energy 9.Waves & Sound 10.Electricity & Magnestism

22 Some things to remember Calendar Trays, Stapler, Tape, Hole Punch, & Pencil Sharper Kindergarteners…. We are not!!!

23 Website

24 Student Information Sheet & Syllabus Fill it out… Bring it back signed!!!

25 Lab Safety (Flinn)

26 Reference Sheets

27 “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” ― Dr. Seuss, The LoraxDr. SeussThe Lorax

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