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Geometry Vocabulary Chapter 8. POINT A POINT is an exact location on a graph, shape or in “space”. The Hershey Kiss is a POINT on the line ●

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Presentation on theme: "Geometry Vocabulary Chapter 8. POINT A POINT is an exact location on a graph, shape or in “space”. The Hershey Kiss is a POINT on the line ●"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometry Vocabulary Chapter 8

2 POINT A POINT is an exact location on a graph, shape or in “space”. The Hershey Kiss is a POINT on the line ●

3 LINE A LINE goes in opposite directions and never, never, never ends. Imagine if this Twizzler went on forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever

4 RAY A RAY is part of a line, but it has one endpoint and the other end keeps going. ● Endpoint Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

5 LINE SEGMENT A LINE SEGMENT is part of a ray or line. It has two endpoints ●● Line Segment Line Ray ● Endpoints

6 VERTEX A VERTEX is a fancy name for angle Two rays or lines that have the same endpoint make a VERTEX/angle VERTEX/angles are measured in “degrees” The Corners of a square are its vertex/angles When two lines cross, they make vertex/angles

7 CONGRUENT CONGRUENT means the “same” CONGRUENT LINE SEGMENTS means two line segments are the same CONGRUENT Vertex/Angles means two angles are the same ●● ● ● The Hershey & Crunch Bar are a Congruent size

8 Lines A vertical line goes up & down A horizontal line goes “across” (left and right) The candy bars are vertical The candy bars are Horizontal

9 Lines Parallel lines l || m Perpendicular lines l ┴ m Intersecting lines

10 PLANE A PLANE is a flat surface that goes on forever in all directions. Imagine sitting on a row boat in the middle of the ocean. No matter which way you look…all you see is water…forever.

11 OPEN & CLOSED FIGURES A CLOSED FIGURE/SHAPE starts and ends at the same point. An OPEN FIGURE/SHAPE does NOT start and end at the same point. CLOSEDOPEN ● ● ● Start End Start End

12 POLYGON A POLYGON is a “closed” shape A POLYGON is made up of line segments that do not cross. The number of sides gives a POLYGON its name POLYGON NOT POLYGON

13 Angles Adjacent angles Interior angles (108° angles) Exterior angles (72° angles)

14 Angles ACUTE ANGLES are less than 90° Complementary angles add up to 90° (b + a = 90°) Obtuse Angles are greater than 90 ° but less than 180 ° Supplementary Angles add up to 180° (b + a = 180°)

15 Angles Right angles measure exactly 90 ° Straight angles measure 180 ° The “square” symbol means 90’

16 Angles When you name an angle. The vertex/angle’s letter goes in the center of the label A B C If I wanted to know the measurement of Angle A…I would ask:” What is the measurement for BAC?” (Notice A is in the center)

17 Transversals (line t) Vertical angles = 1 and 3, 2 and 4, 5 and 7, 6 and 8 Alternate interior angles = 3 and 5, 4 and 6 Alternate exterior angles = 1 and 7, 2 and 8

18 Triangles Triangle – a polygon with three sides whose angle sum is 180° Two ways to classify triangles: 1) By side measures 2) By angles measures

19 By side measure Equilateral – all sides congruent (ΔABC) Isosceles – at least two sides congruent (ΔXYZ) Scalene – no sides congruent (ΔRST)

20 By Angle Measures Right – one 90° angle Acute – three acute angles Obtuse – one obtuse angle

21 Quadrilaterals Quadrilaterals have 4 sides and 4 angles Diagonal – a line segment that connects opposite vertices of a closed figure

22 Quadrilaterals Parallelogram Rectangle Square Rhombus Trapezoid

23 Circles Circle – Center – Radius – Chord – Diameter – Central angle –

24 The End Once you study all the “fancy words”, Geometry is very easy to understand…so STUDY!

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