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GEOMETRY IN THE REAL WORLD Miranda Hyde POINT A point in the geometry world is a dot that is ALWAYS labeled with a capital letter. A good example of.

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Presentation on theme: "GEOMETRY IN THE REAL WORLD Miranda Hyde POINT A point in the geometry world is a dot that is ALWAYS labeled with a capital letter. A good example of."— Presentation transcript:



3 POINT A point in the geometry world is a dot that is ALWAYS labeled with a capital letter. A good example of a real world object would be an eyeball. Notice that in the picture to the right, its labeled with a capital ‘B’. Don’t forget to label! B  8zODMsNygtLiwBCgoKDg0OGxAQGywmHiUvLS8sLC8sLCwsLC0sMCwsNCwsLCwsLDQwLCwsLCwsLCwsNCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIAN8A4gMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAA cAAEAAQUBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQECAwQGBwj/xABCEAACAQIDBQUECAMHBAMAAAABAgADEQQSIQUxQVFhBhMicZEHgaHBFCMyQlKx0fByguFDYnODkqLCFSSy8 RZTY//EABkBAQADAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAwQCBf/EACMRAQEBAAICAgICAwAAAAAAAAABAgMRBCESMUFhUZEUIjL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APbxpLolu6BdERARE QEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBKEwTAECmXqYl0QERECm6ViW7oF0REBERAREQEREBESl4FYlLysBERAREQEREBERASl4vAEABKxEBERAREQERECkAyspaBWIBiAiW s0tMCpeWlzEpAtMtIl8oYGMiUuRuMvMsMAK7DjfzmRMWOOn5TAZjYQJNWB3ayshxUZTdTb8vSbuGxobQ6N8D5QNuIiAlI3ysCgErEQEREBERAREQEREBERAoZaWlWMttASs CVgWykutNTae0qGGQ1MRVSjTH3nYKPIX3noIGwZaZ5xtj2zbPpEihTrYthfUAU00/vPqfcs5nEe3DEk/V4Gko3+KrUc29yrOpjTn5R7WZYZ4pR9tmLv48FRIHKpVU+pBk9sz2y4 RzbEYath+bKVqoPSzfAybjUPnHpRmNpo7I27hcWubDV0rAbwp8S/xIfEvvE3WnDpY016qTO0xMYGzgNoWOWp5Bvkf1knvnOPYzf2RjP7NjqPsnmvLzECWiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAl 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4 LINE A line in the geometry world is a straight line that is infinitely long. It is always labeled from endpoint to midpoint. A good example of a real world object is a highway. A line can either be called by one point, or multiple points for the endpoint, to the midpoint, to the other endpoint or vise versa. M H

5 PLANE What is a plane? A plane in the geometry world is a shape that is labeled with a capital letter. A real world example of a plane would be a map. A map has lines, segments, points, angles, rays, and other geometrical figures. M

6 SEGMENT What’s a segment? A segment is a straight line. But be careful when you say line, because it eventually is stopped by its two endpoints. Yes, of course my example is a ruler, and yes the measurement can keep going, but the ruler is ended on both sides. You can always find longer measurement tools such as a measuring tape, a meter stick, etc. but, in no way is it possible for this ruler to grow any. A B

7 RAY A ray? Oh yea, that’s like a line and a segment combined. It’s infinitely long in only ONE direction. One end of the ray is stopped by a point, and the other keeps going. A good example of a ray in the real world is the sun. The sun rays keep going away from the actual sun. The sun itself is the point. P

8 COLLINEAR POINTS Collinear points are points that all lie on the same line. Its quite simple, you see, if the points don’t lay on a line together than they aren’t collinear. In the real world example, as you can see, the freckles are all on the same line which makes them collinear. All of the other freckles aren’t collinear to collinear points. Points, M, D, and H are collinear. M D H

9 ACUTE ANGLES An acute angle is an angle that measures to be less than 90 degrees. A slice of pizza is a great real world example because its definitely acute.

10 OBTUSE ANGLE An obtuse angle is an angle that measures up to 180 degrees but no less than 90 degrees. A roof is a really good obtuse angle because it’s a wide angle.

11 RIGHT ANGLE A right angle is an angle that is absolutely 90 degrees. Cant be any more or any less. The edge of an iPhone is a right angle. To know that it’s a right angle for sure, there is usually a box in the middle of the angle.

12 PERPENDICULAR LINES Perpendicular lines are 4 sets of 9 degree angles. A baseball field is a real world example of perpendicular lines. The lines are the perpendicular lines, and the bases are the points. inesbball.jpg/234981138/616x234/perpendicular_linesbball.jpg

13 COMPLEMENTARY ANGLES Complementary angles are angles that add up to be 90 degrees. A clock can be complementary at times. A complementary angle shares a common ray like an Adjacent angle.

14 SUPPLEMENTARY ANGLES Supplementary Angles are the opposite of Complementary Angles. Instead of adding up to be 90 degrees, they add up to be 180 degrees. A highway that has a little back road coming out of the side of it is a GREAT example from the real world for supplementary angles. A B C E

15 VERTICAL ANGLES Vertical angles are a pair of non- adjacent angles formed when two lines intersect. Vertical angles are all around the world. A good real world example is an open pair of scissors.

16 ACUTE TRIANGLE An acute angle is a triangle and each angle is acute. An acute angle is an angle that measures less than ninety degrees but more than zero degrees. An equilateral triangle is an acute angle.

17 OBTUSE TRIANGLE An obtuse triangle is a triangle that has one angle that measures more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees. Obtuse triangles are literally all over the real world. Obtuse angles have one obtuse angle and two acute angles. Nothing is congruent in an obtuse angle.

18 EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE An equilateral triangle is a triangle with all three sides of equal length. All the angles are 60°. An equilateral triangle is also an isosceles triangle. Equilateral triangles are all around in the real world. A good example is a pool triangle.

19 ISOSCELES TRIANGLE An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two congruent angles, which also means two of the sides are congruent. As you can see in the picture shown to the right, the red triangle is an isosceles triangle because two angles are congruent as well are two sides.

20 SCALENE TRIANGLE A scalene triangle means that each angle/side of the triangle in UNcongruent. No angles are the same and no sides are the same. All these math terms are seen all over the real world all the time.

21 RIGHT TRIANGLES A right triangle has 1 right angle in it because a triangle cant have two. A right angle is exactly 90 degrees every time. Usually a right angle is labeled with a box. Most popular right triangles are, 90, 45, and 45, or 90, 60, and 30. This bird house is a right triangle. To solve a missing angle in a right triangle, you use a method called the Pythagorean Theorem. “A+B=C”. C stands for the hypotenuse. A and B are the other angles.

22 CIRCLES The diameter of a circle is the measure straight across the middle of the circle. The radius is half of the diameter. If a line is tangent to a circle, it is perpendicular to the radius drawn to the point of tangency. In geometry, a secant line of a curve is a line that (locally) intersects two points on the curve. A chord is an interval of a secant line, the portion of the line that lies within the curve. The word secant comes from the Latin word secare, meaning to cut.

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