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Song of Victory 1. O Wilt Thou ride with our armies O God

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1 Song of Victory 1. O Wilt Thou ride with our armies O God
Dm Dm 1. O Wilt Thou ride with our armies O God F C And send us help from the snactuary Dm Rout the flowler with Thy rod, F A7 And cast down the workings of the enemy

2 Thine the power and thine the glo-ry,
2 of 5 Refrain I: F C Dm Thine the power and thine the glo-ry, F C A Thine the strength and the vic-to-ry. F C Dm Thine the thruth & thine the suthority and Bb F A7 Thine the Kingdom for e-ter-ni-ty.

3 1. O Wilt Thou ride with our armies O God
Dm Dm 1. O Wilt Thou ride with our armies O God F C And send us help from the snactuary Dm Rout the flowler with Thy rod, F A7 And cast down the workings of the enemy Refrain 2: Women sing Alleluia Dm F C Alleluia! Alleluia! Dm F A 3 of 5

4 1. O Wilt Thou ride with our armies O God
4 of 5 Dm Dm 1. O Wilt Thou ride with our armies O God F C And send us help from the snactuary Dm Rout the flowler with Thy rod, F A7 And cast down the workings of the enemy Refrain twice

5 M:Thine the kingdom & power & glory Both : O Lord!
5 of 5 Ending: W:O Lords Dm C Bb C X M:Thine the kingdom & power & glory Dm Both : O Lord!

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