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Colonial Victory in the American Revolution How did the smaller, untrained group of rebels defeat the largest military power of the time?

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Presentation on theme: "Colonial Victory in the American Revolution How did the smaller, untrained group of rebels defeat the largest military power of the time?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonial Victory in the American Revolution How did the smaller, untrained group of rebels defeat the largest military power of the time?

2 American Revolution Essay Why did America win the Revolutionary War? Analyze the political, social, diplomatic, and military reasons for colonial victory. In general, your essay should include: Introduction (thesis) Main body (arguments & evidence) Conclusion You are analyzing reasons for victory…. Do NOT just write down everything you know about the topic. Organization is key!!!! There is no minimum/maximum length requirement. You are graded on CONTENT…… not length Remember, this is practice for your EA, which requires you to write an essay every 45 minutes, so be aware of time and pacing! You may want to do a brief pre-write/outline. Must be in pen and hand-written!

3 IB HOA Essays A high-scoring essay will include: Argument: – Question is addressed in a clearly structured and focused essay that indicates a high level of understanding – Arguments are clear, coherent, relevant, and well substantiated Historical Understanding (factual knowledge): – The answer demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the topic through the selection, explanation, and effective use of historical knowledge. Historiography: ( “the history of history”) – Rather than focusing on the actual event – for example, Hitler's annexation of Austria – you focus more on the history of the history of the event (Hitler’s personal ties with Austria, desire for expansion, nationalism, etc.) – Historical events & topics are explained and placed in their historical context – Answer displays a critical examination of a wide range of historical evidence

4 American Revolution Essay You can use: – Video notes – Textbook – Lecture notes – Reading notes (you took these over the weekend) – Keep in mind, heavy reliance on notes will cut into your writing time! – When you are finished, find something else to work on quietly!

5 IB HOA Essays Throughout the course, you will be graded using the essay writing rubric. IB Essays are graded on three components: 1.Argument 2.Historical Understanding (factual knowledge) 3.Historiography – IB defines historiography as “the history of history.” – Rather than focusing on the actual event – for example, Hitler's annexation of Austria – you focus more on the history of the history of the event (Hitler’s personal ties with Austria, desire for expansion, nationalism, etc.) – Not only “what happened?” but “why it happened?”

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