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February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman1 Neutrino Factory Design Overview and IDS-NF Status Michael S. Zisman* Center for Beam Physics Accelerator & Fusion.

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Presentation on theme: "February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman1 Neutrino Factory Design Overview and IDS-NF Status Michael S. Zisman* Center for Beam Physics Accelerator & Fusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman1 Neutrino Factory Design Overview and IDS-NF Status Michael S. Zisman* Center for Beam Physics Accelerator & Fusion Research Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (*with thanks to: S. Berg, K. Long, J. Pasternak, J. Pozimski, G. Prior, and C. Rogers) MAP Meeting–Jlab February 28, 2011

2 NF Report - Zisman2 Outline Introduction Current baseline IDR designs IDR status Progress since ISS RDR goals RDR tasks RDR time scale MAP contributions RDR planning Summary

3 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman3 Introduction Neutrino Factory design effort has been carried out internationally for ~5 years – International Scoping Study (“ISS”) – follow-on organization is International Design Study for a Neutrino Factory (“IDS-NF”) European NF design effort managed and funded as part of EUROnu design study – EUROnu looking at 3 possible future neutrino facilities, along with corresponding detector options (WP5)  Superbeam (WP2), NF (WP3) and Beta Beam (WP4)  physics performance comparison of all three (WP6) EUROnu WP3 is fully integrated with IDS-NF Summary of main features follows

4 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman4 Current Baseline (1) Baseline has evolved since completion of ISS – mainly front-end optimization – primary “deliverables” unchanged System descriptions (to follow) from IDR – NF_IDR/IDS-NF_IDR-D14.pdf 129 authors (by my count)

5 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman5 Current Baseline (2) Schematic of IDR baseline shown here – brief descriptions of individual systems follow

6 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman6 IDR Proton Driver Proton driver defined only by performance specifications – several different implementations under study ISIS upgrade [Thomason]; high-power SPL [Garoby], Project X [Gollwitzer]

7 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman7 IDR Target Target still Hg jet in 20 T solenoid – shielding for magnets found to be inadequate too much heat deposited in coils – progress being made toward improved design Fe plug (now eliminated) McDonald; Kirk; Graves

8 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman8 IDR Front End (1) Optimization to make shorter channel [Neuffer] – lattice parameters documented

9 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman9 IDR Front End (2) Drift length 111  80 m Transport field 1.75 T  1.5 T Buncher section 51 m  33 m (V RF = 9 MV) Rotator 54 m  42 m (V RF = 12 MV) Cooling section 75 m (V RF = 15 MV) [Rogers] L = 120 m L = 80 m ISSIDS-NF Issue of RF in a magnetic field remains

10 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman10 Alternative Front Ends Because of RF issue, several alternative approaches still being studied as backups – bucked coil lattice [A. Alekou] – magnetically-insulated lattice [D. Stratakis] – HPRF lattice [J. Gallardo, M. Zisman] Bucked-coil lattice Magnetically insulated lattice HPRF cavity lattice

11 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman11 IDR Acceleration System Multiple systems adopted – linac, RLAs, FFAG

12 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman12 IDR Linac Linac accelerates to 0.9 GeV [Bogacz] – three sections with increasing cell length

13 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman13 IDR RLAs (1) Two RLAs [Bogacz] – 0.9-3.6 GeV (0.6 GeV/pass) – 3.6-12.6 GeV (2 GeV/pass) RLA1 RLA2

14 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman14 IDR RLAs (2) Optics developed to transmit both  + and  - in opposite directions – quad gradients increase linearly from linac center RLA1 linac RLA2 linac RLA1 ‘droplet’ arc

15 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman15 IDR FFAG (1) FFAG (12.6-25 GeV) [Berg] – linear non-scaling design

16 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman16 IDR FFAG (2) Ring uses combined-function Nb-Ti magnets – designs for both F and D magnets in progress F magnet shown here; not yet optimized Iron yoke (field clamp) H. Witte

17 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman17 IDR FFAG (3) Scheme for injection and extraction has been developed [Pasternak, Kelliher] – requires lots of PFNs and lots of power InjectionExtraction

18 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman18 IDR Decay Ring (1) Unchanged since ISS Racetrack [Johnstone] Triangle [Prior, Rees]

19 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman19 IDR Decay Ring (2) Present baseline is racetrack design – more flexible two independent sources that can be oriented as needed can use either ring for both  + and  - – no ‘wasted’ beam if one ring or one detector unavailable – but, at a cost two tunnels needed four transfer lines to take full advantage of flexibility – and decent detector timing (~100 ns) Triangle remains a viable alternative – two rings side-by-side in single tunnel good detector timing mandatory with this geometry

20 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman20 IDR Status Original goals – develop complete (initial) NF accelerator design – produce initial cost estimate Where we are – designs for most systems completed and lattices available a few systems known to need work – E deposition in target region unacceptably high – no cost estimate is available Leaders of this phase – Berg, Pozimski

21 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman21 Progress Since ISS (1) Initial concepts of FNAL, RAL proton drivers Detailed E deposition studies in target area Many front-end improvements – shorter phase rotation and bunching systems – assessed impact of reduced V RF in baseline studied several alternatives as fallback options – particle loss estimates and mitigation strategy Studied more complete RLA designs – symmetric gradient profile – chicanes for arc crossings – chromatic corrections in chicanes

22 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman22 Progress Since ISS (2) More realistic FFAG design – longer drifts – higher average gradient – inj/extr system design – initial magnet designs Decay ring – studied diagnostics polarimeter, angular divergence measurement

23 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman23 RDR Goals Complete description of all systems Assessment of feasibility and performance – tracking (all systems, then end-to-end) with imperfections – sufficient engineering to validate designs of “tricky bits” – cost estimate for entire facility requires adequate level of design detail for engineering estimates

24 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman24 RDR Tasks (1) Overall – complete matching section designs to permit end-to-end simulations – complete engineering design of key components issues are feasibility and cost – complete cost estimate to be compared with EUROnu estimates for SB and BB – evaluate collective effects for all systems Target – develop new solenoid and shielding configuration – define infrastructure

25 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman25 RDR Tasks (2) Front end – develop method for handling particle losses – finalize cooling configuration issue of RF choice Acceleration – confirm mechanical layouts transfer lines, switchyards, bypasses, chicanes, arcs – finalize FFAG chromaticity correction scheme – track (with errors) through entire system linac, RLAs, FFAG – evaluate cost of including FFAG vs. using only linac and RLAs

26 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman26 RDR Tasks (3) Decay ring – decide on chromaticity correction scheme – define injection scheme – evaluate need for beam abort system – define and design ring diagnostics

27 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman27 RDR Time Scale Time scale for all of this effort estimated (Berg) at 2 years – lack of engineering particularly critical – physics effort is also “thin” (and lots to do!)

28 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman28 MAP Contributions (1) MAP proposed these IDS-NF activities – proton driver (Project X version) – targetry and target stations – pion capture and muon phase rotation – ionization cooling – accelerator systems – site-specific (FNAL) underground engineering issues for the muon storage rings – overall coordination of effort for the low-energy NF option – participating in costing

29 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman29 MAP Contributions (2) More or less keeping up with physics effort – engineering effort is lacking not obvious how to rectify this with projected budgets Proposed activities predicated on reaching $15M per year – right now, we’re at $10M (for reasons beyond our control) MICE magnet costs have risen dramatically and must be covered as the highest priority – leaves little “free energy” We must revisit IDS-NF promises/schedule

30 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman30 RDR Planning (1) Still (more or less) following original roadmap

31 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman31 RDR Planning (2) IDR draft is complete and final comments and corrections being incorporated – includes physics case, accelerator description, and detector descriptions Physics case still indicates NF is the most powerful tool for studying neutrino sector – finds continuum between single-baseline “LENF” and two-baseline IDS-NF configuration depends on value of sin 2 2  13 – which may well be known prior to making NF decision Lower MIND threshold validated – progress made on defining near detector

32 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman32 RDR Planning (3) IDR will be reviewed by ECFA panel on May 5-6, 2011 (at Daresbury Lab) – after which IDR will be updated as deemed appropriate then published on arXiv and as CERN Yellow Report Ongoing discussion on whether to publish IDR in refereed journal – strong views on both sides – decision at next IDS-NF plenary meeting October 17-19, 2011 at Virginia Tech – in any case, need to step up “community outreach”

33 February 28, 2011NF Report - Zisman33 Summary IDR design completed and documented – S. Berg and J. Pozimski editors of accelerator section – K. Long overall editor Lattices for main elements documented – will facilitate subsequent end-to-end tracking Review of IDR by ECFA panel scheduled for May 5-6, 2011 Plans for reaching RDR being developed – K. Long and IDS-NF steering group MAP resources for this task are limited

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