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Buzzing Out!!!. Purpose of the Activity In this exercise ask participants to use the number 4 to play a well know game called BUZZ… Training Application.

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Presentation on theme: "Buzzing Out!!!. Purpose of the Activity In this exercise ask participants to use the number 4 to play a well know game called BUZZ… Training Application."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buzzing Out!!!

2 Purpose of the Activity In this exercise ask participants to use the number 4 to play a well know game called BUZZ… Training Application Time Reference : Approx. 10 to 15 Min.

3 Rules for the Game Arrange the Group in Circular or semi Circular Seating. The participants are asked to think of the no. 4, no. that contain 4, and no. that are multiple of 4. E.g. 4,8,12 and 14. Select the volunteer to begin the game by saying “1”, next member say “2” and so on around the circle. When counting reaches to a no. that have 4,the player need to replace 4 with the word “buzz”.E.g.14 is “buzz” teen” & 24 is “Twenty buzz”. When the counting reaches a no. that contains multiple of 4, that member must say only “buzz”. E.g. The no. 8, 12, 16,20 etc. If any member committee mistake he/she should leave the game & the next member after him/her should continue. For E.g. 1,2,3,buzz,5,6,7,buzz,9,10,11,buzz,13,buzz teen,15,buzz.


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