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RELATIONSHIPS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCES. TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS Family (parent/guardian; caregiver/child) – often the first relationships in a child’s life.

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Presentation on theme: "RELATIONSHIPS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCES. TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS Family (parent/guardian; caregiver/child) – often the first relationships in a child’s life."— Presentation transcript:


2 TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS Family (parent/guardian; caregiver/child) – often the first relationships in a child’s life. Develop communication patterns, establish roles. Friendship – freely chosen associations. Romantic – passion, intimacy and commitment Professional – connections related to vocation or job; similar interests professionally

3 FACTORS THAT IMPACT RELATIONSHIPS Personality – introvert : small circle of friends or extrovert: a wide circle of friends Personal needs – physical, social, mental and emotional Authority – the person who is older, wiser or stronger. Learn to recognize this position to decide if it is appropriate and healthy. Interests – common ground which relationships can be built on. Similarities and differences Environment Technology – “we live in a shrinking world”

4 HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP People in a healthy relationship respect and like one another. Their self-esteem is increased by the relationship. They feel as if knowing each other has made them better people.


6 UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS Relationships that are harmful An unhealthy relationship can be damaging to the self- esteem. If a relationship continues to be unhealthy then it needs to END Signs that a relationship is destructive: physical or emotional cruelty, using you for their gains, pressuring you to go against your values, frequent arguments, etc.

7 CHANGING AND ENDING RELATIONSHIPS Growing and experiencing new things change our relationships No matter how a relationship ends you will go through a grieving process, which is normal. Allow time Don’t have to suffer to show how much you cared Accept that it is over Begin to do things that make you happy

8 How do we learn about relationships?

9 MEDIA ARE WE IMMERSED IN IT? What impact does media have on relationships?

10 Popular Culture constructions or TV & movies gives us privy to intimcies and conflicts which are usually not acceptable public behaviors Discuss the PROs and Cons of television

11 CULTIVATION THEORY Cultivation theory: these consistent themes, images, and stereotypes that cut across programming genres cultivate or form world views. - People who watch more than average amount of media are more likely to mistake the media world for the real world Average family has TV on 7 hrs a day Average person watches 4 hrs per day Average person will spend 10 yrs of their life watching TV

12 PROS OF TV Opens up the world to us Communicates instantly what is happening We see other cultures, learn about others Children learn from parents era and vice versa Families watch TV together entertaining

13 CONS OF TV Shallow communication about wealth, races, sex Spend less time being citizens and with families Children bored with school due to razzel dazzel of TV – shorten attention span Freezes images in our minds


15 Sex acts like extramarital affairs, premarital, rape, prostitution appears to happen 4x more frequently than they really do. Physical beauty and appearances are extremely important. Rarely see anything on birth control. Rarely see loving marital sex How can these things affect our concept of intimate/loving relationships?


17 Love will conquer all 30 minutes can resolve any problem Step families have harmony or solve a problem in a single episode Usually solved with manipulation or humor Trends toward non traditional families How can these things affect our concept of families and relationships?

18 HOW ARE DIFFERENT RACES PORTRAYED? Whites over represented Cultures and races are stereotyped Perpetuates racism How can these things affect our concept and actions in our relationships?

19 WHAT DO YOU SEE ON TV High rates of conflict, betrayal, infidelity, divorce & multiple marriages with secrets they keep from their spouse Exaggerated amounts of sex Group therapy for the masses – I can help you! WHAT CAN WE DO? To keep from being used? To keep from being manipulated? To keep from being negatively influenced? To keep the media from displacing our relationships?

20 ADVICE Be skeptical Search for biases, stereotypes, and lack of objectivity Look for moralizing. What are the underlying values? Go to the original source and see how valid they are Seek additional information. The whole story was probably not told – watered down

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