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The skull The skull is composed of two parts: 1. Cranium

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Presentation on theme: "The skull The skull is composed of two parts: 1. Cranium"— Presentation transcript:

1 The skull The skull is composed of two parts: 1. Cranium
2. Facial skeleton

2 Sutures

3 Frontal Coronal suture Sagittal suture Parietal Lambdoid suture
Anterior Coronal suture Frontal Sagittal suture Parietal Lambdoid suture Occipital Parietal foramen Posterior

4 Norma verticalis (superior view)
Bone forming: - Frontal bone - Parietal bone - Squamous part of occipital bone

5 Norma verticalis (cont.)
Sutures seen: - Coronal suture, - Sagittal suture, - Lambdoid suture,

6 Bregma Ant.fontanell Lambda Post.fontanell

7 Norma occipitalis (posterior view)
There are the following bones: - Squamous part of occipital bone. - Parietal bones, separated from the occipital by the lambdoid suture. - Mastoid part of temporal bone, on each side of the squamous part of occipital, separated by the occipitomastoid suture.

8 Parietal Occipital Sup.&inf.nuchal lines Ext.occipital protuberence
Ext.occipital crest Mastoid


10 Norma occipitalis

11 Supra-orbital foramen Infra-orbital foramen
Frontal Nasal Maxilla Zygomatic bone Supra-orbital foramen Infra-orbital foramen Ant.nasal spine





16 Norma frontalis (cont.)

17 Orbit It is a pyramidal shaped space with its apex directed backwards.
Its base is directed forwards at the orbital openings. Its long axis is directed forwards and laterally. It has a roof, a floor, a medial wall and a lateral wall. - Lacrimal fossa: It is a depression in the anterior and lateral part of the roof. - Optic canal: It is a foramen in posterior part of the roof.

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