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Science and Technology TAC Review of Action Items and TAC Priorities for the June 21, 2002 Clean Water Summit.

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Presentation on theme: "Science and Technology TAC Review of Action Items and TAC Priorities for the June 21, 2002 Clean Water Summit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science and Technology TAC Review of Action Items and TAC Priorities for the June 21, 2002 Clean Water Summit

2 PURPOSE Review specific priorities and action items previously identified by the Science and Technology TAC Review the progress of the TAC in addressing action items Determine TAC priorities and directions for the upcoming year

3 Milestones June 2001January 2002June 2002 Baseline Inventory Strategic Plan Focused Assessment Clean Water Summit

4 Phase I Action Items (June 2001) (1) Complete a more detailed assessment of priority science and technology issues (January 2002 Focused Assessment) (2) Characterize existing receiving water quality (3) Establish a baseline of potential health impacts to beach visitors (4) Support the development of rapid detection methods for bacterial contamination in coastal water (5) Investigate alternative approaches to recreational water monitoring that better integrate state-of-the-art scientific and technological tools and methodologies into management decision-making (6) Assess the impact of priority sources of water pollution, starting with aerial deposition of pollutants (7) Develop an integrated water quality management approach defined by the physical systems associated with watersheds, airsheds and land forms (8) Provide guidance on priority scientific and technical issues (9) Provide recommended standards for data analysis and reporting as necessary to further integration of results

5 Focused Assessment (January 2002) (1) Increase cooperation, coordination, and communication between various stakeholders on the development of scientific and technical tools (2) Complete a detailed inventory of local monitoring and research projects (3) Support the development of new scientific techniques for recreational water monitoring

6 New Priorities and Directions (June 2002) Panelist Comments (20 minutes) Group Discussion (30 minutes)

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