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Meeting Varied Needs: Finding the Right Resources Jeff Danielian National Association for Gifted Children 1331 H Street, NW Suite 1001.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting Varied Needs: Finding the Right Resources Jeff Danielian National Association for Gifted Children 1331 H Street, NW Suite 1001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting Varied Needs: Finding the Right Resources Jeff Danielian National Association for Gifted Children 1331 H Street, NW Suite 1001 Washington, DC 20005

2 What You Need What Your Members Need Educate Yourself and Others

3 Key Reports & Data

4 State of The States Listen to "The State of the Nation in Gifted Education" on EduTalk RadioThe State of the Nation in Gifted Education The full report contains a summary of the data, the survey questionnaire, and tables containing state responses, by question.The full report The report summary is the summary of data section from the full report.The report summary The data file is an excel spreadsheet of all the responses submitted by the state agencies that participated in the survey.The data file View the survey questionnaire.survey questionnaire Key Reports & Data

5 Gifted by State Key Reports & Data

6 The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented (1990-2013) Began in October 2014 Funded by The Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act Key Reports & Data

7 National Research Center National School Survey Overview Elementary School Survey Results Middle School Survey Results High School Survey Results Key Reports & Data

8 NAGC asked universities about their gifted education coursework, gifted centers, and/or programming for gifted learners and their families. We have created PDF's of the services offered. K-12 Schools for Advanced Learners Services for Parents and Families of Advanced Learners Programs for Advanced Learners Degree programs and other services for the University Community Search a listing of graduate programs Key Reports & Data

9 NAGC has created standards for gifted programs, teacher training and more, in most cases in collaboration with the Council for Exceptional Children. Teacher preparation standards Advanced standards in gifted education teacher training P-12 gifted education programming standards Knowledge and Skill standards in gifted education for all teachers

10 Looking for a speaker for a state or regional conference? It’s time for you to add an expert perspective to your event!

11 For Parents NAGC works to provide parents with the tools needed to help children to succeed. Parenting For High Potential Connecting for High Potential Glossary of Terms Resources for Parents NAGC Resources for Parents

12 For Parents NAGC works to provide parents with the tools needed to help children to succeed. Parenting for High Potential Connecting for High PotentiaConnecting for High Potential Glossary of Terms Resources for Parents NAGC Resources for Parents

13 For Parents NAGC works to provide parents with the tools needed to help children to succeed. Parenting for High Potential Connecting for High Potential Glossary of Terms Resources for Parents NAGC Resources for Parents

14 For Parents NAGC works to provide parents with the tools needed to help children to succeed. Parenting for High Potential Connecting for High Potential Glossary of Terms Resources for Parents NAGC Resources for Parents

15 For Educators NAGC wants every student to reach his/her highest potential. Educators must understand the strategies, practices, and tools available to them. Teaching For High Potential NAGC Gifted Programming Standards Resources for Educators NAGC Resources for Educators

16 For Educators NAGC wants every student to reach his/her highest potential. Educators must understand the strategies, practices, and tools available to them. Teaching For High Potential NAGC Gifted Programming Standards Resources for Educators

17 For Educators NAGC wants every student to reach his/her highest potential. Educators must understand the strategies, practices, and tools available to them. Teaching For High Potential NAGC Gifted Programming Standards Resources for Educators NAGC Resources for Educators

18 NAGC Resources for Advocacy For Advocates Advocacy is important to quality gifted education programs and services. Whether you are a seasoned advocate in the field or have recently become involved in advocacy. Advocacy Toolkit Advocacy In the News NAGC Position Statements Gifted Education Practices

19 For Advocates Advocacy is important to quality gifted education programs and services. Whether you are a seasoned advocate in the field or have recently become involved in advocacy. Advocacy Toolkit Advocacy In the News NAGC Position Statements Gifted Education Practices NAGC Resources for Advocacy

20 For Advocates Advocacy is important to quality gifted education programs and services. Whether you are a seasoned advocate in the field or have recently become involved in advocacy. Advocacy Toolkit Advocacy In the News NAGC Position Statements Gifted Education Practices NAGC Resources for Advocacy

21 For Advocates Advocacy is important to quality gifted education programs and services. Whether you are a seasoned advocate in the field or have recently become involved in advocacy. Advocacy Toolkit Advocacy In the News NAGC Position Statements Gifted Education Practices NAGC Resources for Advocacy

22 For Administrators NAGC recognizes that school administrators are essential to important decisions and need summarized information about gifted and talented education. Administrator Tool Box Resources for Administrators The Myths NAGC Resources for Administrators

23 For Administrators NAGC recognizes that school administrators are essential to important decisions and need summarized information about gifted and talented education. Administrator Tool Box Resources for Administrators The Myths 3 web shots NAGC Resources for Administrators Expanding the View of Giftedness Five districts share a mission to develop underrepresented students on the cusp of excellence

24 For Administrators NAGC recognizes that school administrators are essential to important decisions and need summarized information about gifted and talented education. Administrator Tool Box Resources for Administrators The Myths NAGC Resources for Administrators

25 The NAGC Select Series NAGC Select books are a series of concise, informative booklets on topics and issues in education. They have a consistent format: an intro on the importance of the topic, three to five sections explaining what we know and how it translates into practice, a conclusion/summary and five to seven key resources on the topic, with annotations. All are available on Amazon in e-book or print-on-demand formats. NAGC Publications

26 NAGC Publications Visit the NAGC Bookstore The NAGC Bookstore

27 Social Media and Communications NAGC has a Facebook Page where original content, tools, news, and sharp commentary on education can be found. Utilize this resource to comment on the latest developments in gifted education and share with your friends. Facebook Page Consider joining the NAGC Facebook Group, where all can gather to interact as a community.NAGC Facebook Group

28 NAGC uses Twitter on a minute-to-minute basis, sharing a mix of original content, news, and brief commentary on trending topics.Twitter With over 8,000 followers, it is clear that leaders and influencers in the gifted and broader education community keep watch of our organization's movements on social media. Participate in the conversation by following and sharing info with @NAGCGifted and @MRI77, as well as including the following hashtags: #GiftedEd and #NAGC15.@NAGCGifted@MRI77 Social Media and Communications

29 NAGC has a YouTube channel YouTube channel Social Media and Communications

30 NAGC Insider NAGC members need and deserve an exclusive newsletter containing special resources, discounts, events, and information. The NAGC Insider is your monthly connection to NAGC, the family of NAGC members, and the network of gifted and talented education. NAGC Blog NAGC regularly publishes timely commentary, thoughts, and synthesized research on supporting the needs of gifted and talented students on the NAGC Blog. NAGC team members, members of the Board of Directors, experts in the field, and occasional guest bloggers post entries several times per month.NAGC Blog NewsSource NAGC members deserve a source for curated news and commentary on education. NAGC scours the media for relevant articles related to gifted and talented education as well as the broader field of education. New Member Communications

31 Personal and Direct E-Mail From time to time, NAGC or René Islas will contact you directly with timely, relevant information or a request for input or feedback. Know that the e-mail was sent from one of our personal accounts and that when you respond your message will land in the author's individual e-mail box. We look forward to your replies and will do our best to acknowledge your messages right away. New Member Communications

32 The NAGC Community New Member Communications Access discussion groups. Share resources & articles. Ask & answer questions.

33 We encourage the non-commercial use of the materials provided in NAGC member newsletters, magazines, and the NAGC website. We request that you let us know how and when it is being used. Gifted Child Quarterly (GCQ) Contact SAGE Publishing Contact SAGE Publishing Parenting for High Potential Teaching for High Potential Connecting for High Potential Complete and submit Reprint Request form for non-commercial purposes.Reprint Request form No permission is needed to link to NAGC’s website. If using text from a webpage of material found in a pdf, please provide attribution to NAGC as the source. Reprint and Permission Requests


35 Thank You!

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