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Priority Action Report Anthropology Crime Scene/Death Investigation Thomas D. Holland, Ph.D. January 27, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Priority Action Report Anthropology Crime Scene/Death Investigation Thomas D. Holland, Ph.D. January 27, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Priority Action Report Anthropology Crime Scene/Death Investigation Thomas D. Holland, Ph.D. January 27, 2016

2 Subcommittee Leadership PositionNameOrganizationTermEmail Chair Tom Holland, Ph.D.Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency 3 years Thomas.d.holland.civ Vice Chair Diane France, Ph.D.Human Identification Lab of Colorado 4 Executive Secretary Todd Fenton, Ph.D.Michigan State University 4 2

3 Subcommittee Members #NameOrganizationTermEmail 1Eric BartelinkCalifornia State University 2William R. BelcherJoint POW/MIA Central Identification 3Hugh E. BerrymanMiddle Tennessee State 4Angi M. ChristensenFBI 5Gretchen R. DabbsSouthern Illinois 6Todd W. FentonMichigan State 7Diane L. FranceHuman Identification Lab of 8Kristen HartnettCT Office of the Chief Medical 9Joseph T. HefnerMichigan State 10Thomas D. HollandDefense POW/MIA Accounting 11Jennifer LoveWashington, DC 12Owen MiddletonHennepin Co. Medical Examiner’s 13Stephen OusleyMercyhurst 14Nicholas V. PassalacquaJoint POW/MIA Central Identification 15Vincent J. SavaJoint POW/MIA Central Identification 16Douglas D. ScottColorado Mesa 17Richard M. ThomasFBI 18Michael W. WarrenUniversity of

4 Discipline Description The Subcommittee on Anthropology will focus on standards and guidelines related to application of anthropological methods and theory – particularly those relating to the recovery and analysis of human remains – to resolve legal matters. 4

5 TitleAssigneesDocument type Age EstimationHartnett & PassalacquaTechnical Ancestry AssessmentHefner & HartnettTechnical Code of Ethics and ConductPassalacquaN/A Determination of Medicolegal SignificanceFrance & LoveTechnical Documentation, Reporting and TestimonySava & WarrenLab management Facial ApproximationThomasTechnical Identifying and Describing Pathological Conditions, Lesions, and Anomalies Sava & MiddletonTechnical Personal IdentificationFenton & ChristensenTechnical Proficiency TestingSava & LoveLab management Resolving Commingled Human RemainsBartelink & BelcherTechnical Scene Detection and ProcessingScott & BerrymanTechnical Sex AssessmentHartnett & FranceTechnical Skeletal Sampling and PreparationThomas & DabbsTechnical Statistical MethodsOusley & HefnerTechnical Stature EstimationChristensen & LoveTechnical Taphonomic Observations in the Postmortem IntervalDabbs & FranceTechnical Trauma AnalysisFenton & BerrymanTechnical OSAC Task Groups 5

6 TitleAssigneesDocument type Stature Estimation from Human RemainsLove and ChristensenStandards/Guidelines GlossaryHartnett and BartelinkStandards/Guidelines Training and CompetencyChristensen and FranceStandards/Guidelines Facial ApproximationThomas and Sava Standards/Guidelines Sex AssessmentHartnett and France Standards/Guidelines Priority Action Items 6

7 Summary of Standards/Guidelines Priority Actions PriorityWorking Title of Document 1Standard Guide for Stature Estimation from Human Remains 2Glossary for Forensic Anthropology 3Standard Guide for Training and Competency in Forensic Anthropology 4Facial Approximation in Forensic Anthropology 5Sex Assessment in Forensic Anthropology 7

8 Standards/Guidelines Development Priority 1 Document Document Title: Standard Guide for Stature Estimation from Human Remains Scope: Stature estimation is based on a mathematical relationship between skeletal dimensions and stature (or height). Objective/rationale: Skeletal remains shall be analyzed in a reliable and systematic manner for estimating stature using appropriate techniques. Issues/Concerns: Inappropriate methods lead to inaccurate stature estimation. Task Group Name: Standard Guide for Stature Estimation from Human Remains Task Group Chair Name: Jennifer Love Task Group Chair Contact Information: Date of Last Task Group Meeting: January 28, 2016 8

9 Standards/Guidelines Development Priority 1 Document Key Components of Standard: Stature estimation shall follow methods published in peer reviewed sources and shall be reported as a prediction interval. If one or more of the bones needed to apply a specific method are absent or in poor condition, the method shall not be utilized. 9

10 Task Group/Subcommittee Action Plan Planned Actions OSAC Process Stage (e.g., SDO 100) Assignee Estimated Completion Date Reformat to ASB style guideSDO 0Love, ChristensenMarch 30, 2016 Update to SDO ProjectSDO 100Love, ChristensenMarch 30, 2016 Anthropology SC CommentSDO 200Love, Christensen April 30, 2016 Ballot to Anthropology SCSDO 200Love, ChristensenMay 30, 2016 Submit to Resources Comm.SDO 200Love, ChristensenJune 30, 2016 Priority 1: Stature Estimation from Human Remains 10

11 Standards/Guidelines Development Priority 2 Document Document Title: Glossary for Forensic Anthropology Scope: Defining terminology used in forensic anthropology standards and guidelines. Objective/rationale: Ensure consistent use of terminology within forensic anthropology and identify discipline-specific usage. Issues/Concerns: Inconsistent and incorrect use in terminology will result in misunderstanding within and across disciplines. Task Group Name: Glossary for Forensic Anthropology Task Group Chair Name: Eric Bartelink Task Group Chair Contact Information: Date of Last Task Group Meeting: January 28, 2016 11

12 Standards/Guidelines Development Priority 2 Document Key Components of Standard: Forensic anthropology terminology. 12

13 Task Group/Subcommittee Action Plan Planned Actions OSAC Process Stage (e.g., SDO 100) Assignee Estimated Completion Date Reformat to ASB style guideSDO 0 Bartelink, Hartnett March 30, 2016 Update to SDO ProjectSDO 100 Bartelink, Hartnett March 30, 2016 Anthropology SC CommentSDO 200 Bartelink, Hartnett April 30, 2016 Ballot to Anthropology SCSDO 200 Bartelink, Hartnett May 30, 2016 Submit to Resources Comm.SDO 200 Bartelink, Hartnett June 30, 2016 Priority 2: Glossary for Forensic Anthropology 13

14 Standards/Guidelines Development Priority 3 Document Document Title: Standard Guide for Training and Competency in Forensic Anthropology Scope: Describes levels of education, training, experience, and professional activities required to practice forensic anthropology at various qualification levels. Objective/rationale: Practitioners shall possess the appropriate qualifications relevant to the forensic anthropology-related duties they are expected to perform. Issues/Concerns: Unqualified individuals may produce inaccurate results. Task Group Name: Standard Guide for Training and Competency in Forensic Anthropology Task Group Chair Name: Angi Christensen Task Group Chair Contact Information: Date of Last Task Group Meeting: January 28, 2016 14

15 Standards/Guidelines Development Priority 3 Document Key Components of Standard: Prescribes minimum qualifications to practice forensic anthropology. 15

16 Task Group/Subcommittee Action Plan Planned Actions OSAC Process Stage (e.g., SDO 100) Assignee Estimated Completion Date Reformat to ASB style guideSDO 0Christensen, FranceMarch 30, 2016 Update to SDO ProjectSDO 100Christensen, FranceMarch 30, 2016 Anthropology SC CommentSDO 200Christensen, France April 30, 2016 Ballot to Anthropology SCSDO 200Christensen, FranceMay 30, 2016 Submit to Resources Comm.SDO 200Christensen, FranceJune 30, 2016 Priority 3: Standard Guide for Training and Competency in Forensic Anthropology 16

17 Standards/Guidelines Development Priority 4 Document Document Title: Facial Approximation in Forensic Anthropology Scope: Recommendation for the production and assessment of facial approximations. Objective/rationale: Methods should be employed with a spirit of scientific integrity: subjective interpretation should be limited, scientifically tested methods should be used, and method weaknesses and limitations should be communicated. Issues/Concerns: Facial approximation images are for investigative use only, and should not be used for personal identification. Task Group Name: Facial Approximation in Forensic Anthropology Task Group Chair Name: Richard Thomas Task Group Chair Contact Information: Date of Last Task Group Meeting: January 28, 2016 17

18 Standards/Guidelines Development Priority 4 Document Key Components of Standard: The production of facial approximations should include expert knowledge from the field of anatomy and forensic anthropology. 18

19 Task Group/Subcommittee Action Plan Planned Actions OSAC Process Stage (e.g., SDO 100) Assignee Estimated Completion Date Reformat to ASB style guideSDO 0Thomas, SavaMarch 30, 2016 Update to SDO ProjectSDO 100Thomas, SavaMarch 30, 2016 Anthropology SC CommentSDO 200Thomas, Sava April 30, 2016 Ballot to Anthropology SCSDO 200Thomas, SavaMay 30, 2016 Submit to Resources Comm.SDO 200Thomas, SavaJune 30, 2016 Priority 4: Facial Approximation in Forensic Anthropology 19

20 Standards/Guidelines Development Priority 5 Document Document Title: Sex Assessment in Forensic Anthropology Scope: To outline practices for assessing sex from skeletal remains using morphological traits and metric analysis. Objective/rationale: To establish guidelines for the valid assessment of sex from the skeleton. Issues/Concerns: To avoid practices with little or no scientific basis in human osteology, including sub-adult sex assessment and assessment of gender. Task Group Name: Sex Assessment Task Group Chair Name: Kristen Hartnett Task Group Chair Contact Information: Date of Last Task Group Meeting: January 28, 2016 20

21 Standards/Guidelines Development Priority 5 Document Key Components of Standard: While almost every adult skeleton exhibits male or female characteristics reflecting sexual dimorphism, the validity of sex assessment is affected by several factors: inter- and intra- population differences, age, and pathological and taphonomic changes. 21

22 Task Group/Subcommittee Action Plan Planned Actions OSAC Process Stage (e.g., SDO 100) Assignee Estimated Completion Date Reformat to ASB style guideSDO 0Hartnett, FranceMarch 30, 2016 Update to SDO ProjectSDO 100Hartnett, FranceMarch 30, 2016 Anthropology SC CommentSDO 200Hartnett, FranceApril 30, 2016 Ballot to Anthropology SCSDO 200Hartnett, FranceMay 30, 2016 Submit to Resources Comm.SDO 200Hartnett, FranceJune 30, 2016 Priority 5: Sex Assessment in Forensic Anthropology 22

23 Summary of Standards/Guidelines Priority Actions PriorityWorking Title of Document 1Stature Estimation from Human Remains 2Glossary for Forensic Anthropology 3Standard Guide for Training and Competency in Forensic Anthropology 4Facial Approximation in Forensic Anthropology 5Sex Assessment in Forensic Anthropology 23

24 Standards/Guidelines Reviewed For Technical Merit Title Developing Organization Status* OSAC Process Stage (e.g., RA 100) N/A at this time 24

25 Research Gaps Identified (First Priority) Controlled experimental bone trauma studies in collaboration with biomechanical engineers to further the understanding of fracture patterns in bone. Determination of healing rates of fractures, especially to estimate time since injury in children and the elderly. Development of time since death methods that rely more upon the skeletal material itself, such as isotope signatures in various tissues, and therefore less on the taphonomic environment. Validation of stable isotope estimates of geographic origin using current and new isotopes. Collect additional population sample data (nonmetric, metric, skeletal, dental) for diverse areas of the world, particularly under-studied immigrant groups. (continued next page) 25

26 Research Gaps Identified (Additional Considerations) Validation studies of technologies (e.g. ground penetrating radar, remote sensing), and recovery techniques from various contexts in forensic anthropology. Determination of the frequency of skeletal and dental anomalies in different populations, and development of methods to combine information from various sources (i.e. anthropological, dental, DNA) to provide a robust statistical basis for identification. Development of better statistical methods for combining age estimations from multiple indicators, particularly those that produce explicit confidence intervals, representing uncertainty in estimates due to sample size and to different relationships between indicators and age. 26

27 Priority Action Report Anthropology Crime Scene/Death Investigation Thomas D. Holland, Ph.D. January 27, 2016

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