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World Literature and Composition. Warmup Work for 3 minutes on the top portion of the “Many Voices, Many Selves” worksheet. Spend 2 minutes sharing with.

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Presentation on theme: "World Literature and Composition. Warmup Work for 3 minutes on the top portion of the “Many Voices, Many Selves” worksheet. Spend 2 minutes sharing with."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Literature and Composition

2 Warmup Work for 3 minutes on the top portion of the “Many Voices, Many Selves” worksheet. Spend 2 minutes sharing with your group. On your warmup sheet, write down 2 things you heard the person on your left say.

3 Content Language Objective Students will brainstorm the roles they play in life, describe the various ways their voice changes in these contexts, and visually and metaphorically represent these various voices

4 Agenda Content Language Objectives Roles and Voices Wrap-up, reflection on learning objectives

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