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Themes, Motifs & Symbols. Themes  The Decline of American Dream in the 1920s Decayed social & moral values Lost Generation= Gatsby & Nick ○ Cynicism.

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Presentation on theme: "Themes, Motifs & Symbols. Themes  The Decline of American Dream in the 1920s Decayed social & moral values Lost Generation= Gatsby & Nick ○ Cynicism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Themes, Motifs & Symbols

2 Themes  The Decline of American Dream in the 1920s Decayed social & moral values Lost Generation= Gatsby & Nick ○ Cynicism to this new life  The American Dream Prior to the 1920s: Discovery, individualism, pursuit of happiness  1920s Dream: easy money, social status, materialism  Gatsby’s Dream Vs. American Dream

3 Themes Cont.  The Hollowness of the Upper Class Sociology of wealth Nouveau Riche Vs. Inherited Wealth West Egg vs. East Egg ○ Tom & Daisy (Old Aristocracy) ○ Nouveau Riche: vulgar, gaudy, ostentatious, lacking social grace & taste ○ Gatsby vs. the Buchanans ○ Money vs. heart: East Eggers careless, inconsiderate bullies

4 Motifs  Recurring structures, contrasts & literary devices that help develop and inform text’s major themes Geography: East Egg vs West Egg The Valley of Ashes: moral and social decay of America East-moral decay and social cynicism West-traditional social values and ideals

5 Motifs Cont.  Weather Weather matches emotions of narrative Gatsby & Daisy reunion: pouring rain Love reawakens: sun begins to come out Gatsby confronts Tom in hottest day of summer

6 Symbols  The Green Light: Gatsby’s hopes & dreams  The Valley of Ashes: Desolate land that represents moral and social decay from uninhibited pursuit of wealth; plight of the poor  The Eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg: God staring down on American society; or perhaps the lack of God in a meaninglessness and materialistic world  Daisy: her whiteness with yellow in the center; personality opening like a flower

7 Some Roaring Twenties Ads!

8 More Roaring 20’s Ads…

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