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Indian Removal Act. Based on the current living conditions of Americans and natives, was the Indian Removal act justified?

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Presentation on theme: "Indian Removal Act. Based on the current living conditions of Americans and natives, was the Indian Removal act justified?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Indian Removal Act

2 Based on the current living conditions of Americans and natives, was the Indian Removal act justified?

3 What is the Indian Removal Act? The Indian Removal act was an idea of Andrew Jackson. He got it approved by the supreme court but the court said if the Indians say no to the offer than they can stay according to the constitution. Andrew Jackson did force Indians of their land and only let them leave with what they could carry. One result was the trail of tears.

4 Current living conditions of White Americans 77.9% of Americas population is White Americans. 12% of white Americans are poor. 5.1% of white Americans are unemployed. The average wealth of a White American family ranges from $300,000 to $700,000 out of a couple of years.

5 Current living conditions of Native Indians About 22% of Native Americans live on tribal lands in America. There are currently 5.2 million Native Americans living in America today. 38% to 63% of Native Americans live in educational service areas in America. Also, about 30% of Native Americans are homeless today.

6 So was the Indian Removal Act Justified? We think it was because if we didn’t have the Indian removal act we wouldn’t be living in the west. We wouldn’t be living in Kansas, California, and Arizona. People wouldn’t move to the west. That’s why we think the Indian Removal Act was justified.

7 Bibliography (n.d.). Retrieved october 23, 2013, from binghamton: (2010). Retrieved 0ctober 23, 2013, from quickfacts: (2013). Retrieved october 23, 2013, from nrcprogram: tci. (2011). History alive. Webctraftes.

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