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The average day of a Stenner‘s student of 10th grade By Denise Pühl, Lena Pühl, Florian Meister, Sarah Baasner, Justin Jenderny and Laura Bohn.

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Presentation on theme: "The average day of a Stenner‘s student of 10th grade By Denise Pühl, Lena Pühl, Florian Meister, Sarah Baasner, Justin Jenderny and Laura Bohn."— Presentation transcript:

1 The average day of a Stenner‘s student of 10th grade By Denise Pühl, Lena Pühl, Florian Meister, Sarah Baasner, Justin Jenderny and Laura Bohn

2 Content The questionary Participation An average girl‘s day at the Stenner Gymnasium in comparison to an average boy‘s day Conclusion

3 The questionary It contains the age, sex and eleven questions about their daily life There are no names given because the average answers of all students are important We handed out 100 questionaries

4 Participation It was by choice to answer the questionary We got back 65 questionaries 44.6% of the participators were male, that are 29 boys 55.4% of the participators were female, that are 36 girls

5 Age The average boy of the Stenner Gymnasium at 10th grade is 16 years old The average girl of the Stenner Gymnasium at 10th grade is 15 years old

6 When do you usually wake up? Boys at the Stenner Gymnasium usually wake up at 6.35h am. Girls at the Stennner usually wake up at 6.10 am They need more time than the boys because they style themselves

7 How much time do they spend in bathroom? A boy of the 10th grade spends 10 minutes in bathroom A girl of the 10th grade spends 25 minutes in bathroom

8 How do they get to school? Boys and girls get y the same way to school They walk to school if they live close to school They use the bus if they live to far away to walk

9 Favourite subjects The boys of the Stenner Gymnasium love physical education The girls of the Stenner Gymnasium love languages like English

10 Which subjects are less popular? Boys don‘t like the subject Latin More or less, they don‘t like languages very much Girls don‘t like Biology There you can see that thge average Stenner girl doesn‘t like Science very much

11 Break Boys and Girls usually spend their breaks together with their friends Then they eat something at the “Mensa“ The “Mensa“ is a place where you can buy something to eat or take a seat to do homework

12 Physical education Girls and boys have together physical education Most of the students play at the moment basketball or handball

13 Free period Sometimes we have got a free period between two lessons Then boys and girls both spend their time with their friends They also do their homework

14 Free time after school in the afternoon Boys and girls of the Stenner Gymnasium at the 10th grade do in the afternoon their homework They also meet their friends Girls and boys like to do sports and are often in clubs Girls are often in dancing clubs Boys play computer games

15 What do they eat in the evening? Boys eat usually bread with sausage or cheese in the evening They eat together with their families Girls eat also together with their families bread, but they eat salad, too A balanced diet is important for them

16 When does an average Stenner student of the 10th grade goes to bed? Boys go at 23h pm to bed Girls go at 22h pm to bed

17 Conclusion You can see, that there are some differences between boys and girls of the Stenner Gymnasium at the 10th grade But they have got more in common than you think at first

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