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February 25, 20151 CERN-NTU-HIP Production Readiness Rachel Bartek ◊, Po-Hsun Chen ◊, Anna Elliott- Peisert †, Francesco Fiori ◊, Jaakko Härkönen §, Rong-

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Presentation on theme: "February 25, 20151 CERN-NTU-HIP Production Readiness Rachel Bartek ◊, Po-Hsun Chen ◊, Anna Elliott- Peisert †, Francesco Fiori ◊, Jaakko Härkönen §, Rong-"— Presentation transcript:

1 February 25, 20151 CERN-NTU-HIP Production Readiness Rachel Bartek ◊, Po-Hsun Chen ◊, Anna Elliott- Peisert †, Francesco Fiori ◊, Jaakko Härkönen §, Rong- Shyang Lu ◊, Panja Luukka §, Stefano Mersi †, Mercedes Miñano Moya ◊, Jui-Fa Tsai ◊, Esa Tuovinen § ◊ National Taiwan University †CERN §Helsinki Institute of Physics

2 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Outline Status of module components and their testing Status of HDI test and modules assembly jigs, cold box, X-ray test setup Bump bonding status: production and test experience production speed and schedule (as agreed with Advacam) Module assembly experience Module qualification and calibration experience, test throughput including temperature-cycling DB experience Module production schedule including early production with TBM08b 2

3 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Component Yields 3 ComponentYield ✧ Comments Sensor0.7CiS yield Dicing yield0.93Good sensor on wafer to good sensor ready to bump-bond ROC0.9ROC yield from previous productions Bare module0.8All 10 bare modules were grade A quality for pre-production HDI+TBM0.9One TBM replaced on full module due to faulty TBM in pre-production Assembled module 0.97 assembled modules  All numbers except ‘sensor’ from previous production

4 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Number of Components Required NeededYieldTotal Needed Received as of Feb 2015 ExpectedComments ROC ( v2.1respin ) 33920.6552182400 (12 wafers) March 2015 Test at PSI Sensor2120.47451225To be ordered Test by CiS then HIP TBM08c2120.812620June 2015Test at MOSIS HDI2120.81262262+Have allTest at Catania, then CERN Base strips 4240.94720Production Feb/March Material at PSI 4 Half of Layer 3: 352/2 = 176 + 20% spare = 212 modules  ROC yield: 0.9x0.8x0.9=0.65  Sensor yield: 0.7x0.93x0.8x0.9 = 0.47  HDI+TBM yield: 0.9x0.9=0.81  Base strip yield: 0.9 (due to module assembly yield)

5 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Other Components ReceivedTotal Requested ExpectedComments Temporary cables 100 250 @Catania 100 250 @Catania Have allWill received HDIs with cables from Catania Module handles 24250April 20158 needed to be re-surfaced, were cleaned at CERN HDI handles32 Have allWill rotate handles as HDIs built into full modules Module adapters 215Today Module inserts 3250TodayAllowing for broken molex connectors. Already broke 3 HDI foam storage 1111 (6 HDIs per foam) Have allESD safe, will reuse as HDIs built into full modules Module foam storage 3950 (5 modules per foam) OrderedESD safe, capacity for 250 modules HDI shipping boxes 35 Have allShip 8 HDIs to CERN from Catania, boxes returned with empty HDI handles 5

6 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Materials Needed To Complete Production 3.5 more batches of sensors 14 more ROC wafers 262 TBM08c  With temperature circuit? 472 base strips 225 module handles 13 module adapters 18 module inserts 11 ESD safe foam molds for module storage 6

7 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Test, Assembly Tools/Jigs Status HDI test (Catania/CERN):  Test setup and SW ready  Performed a cross calibration exercise October 2014 between CERN and Catania Bare module test (HIP/CERN):  Test stand in Helsinki almost ready – Jig will be ready by the end of this week, the commission SW  Test setup and SW ready at CERN – Still trying to improve grounding to avoid noise Module assembly (CERN):  Two of four assembly lines ready  Assembled 8 pre-production modules Module qualification (CERN):  One cold box that can test four modules at once  X-ray box with temperature controlled volume – Tests one module at a time and 4-target moveable stage 7

8 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Bare Modules (bump-bonding) Bare module pre-production at Advacam:  10 digital modules delivered to CERN – All of grade A quality Bare module test experience at CERN:  Digital probe card, noise filter circuit in place  pXar and Labview control test stand Production speed at Advacam:  10 bare modules per week Test speed at CERN:  Two days to test 10 modules – 75 min per bare module 8

9 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Module Assembly Modules assembly at CERN:  Two fully commissioned lines – 8 full modules and 5 prototype modules produced Checklist for quality assurance during assembly  Throughput 2 modules per day – Will commission other two lines and have throughput of 4 modules per day if need be before extra gluing shifts need to be added  Will glue two sensor modules per week and one full module per week as well until TBM08c delivered 9

10 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Full Modules Wire bonding done by CERN bonding lab Full module test bench next to assembly stand:  IV, PixelAlive, BumpBonding  Will keep this test until production becomes boring and monotonous Stored in ESD safe foam in temperature and humidity controlled clean room  Is storage at RH of 50% good enough for HDIs? 10

11 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Cold Box Test Module qualification at CERN  Throughput 4 modules per day in cold box  SW: pXar, elComandante, and MoReWeb Still missing module adapters for simultaneous test of 4 modules  Current test stand commissioned for 2 modules at a time Cold box qualification sequence: 1. IV + Full test at +17°C 2. IV + Full test at -20°C 3. 10 Thermal cycles – between +17°C and -25°C 4. IV + Full test at -20°C 5. IV + Full test at +17°C  Average time per sequence: 9 hours 11 Temp (°C)

12 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek X-ray Test Module calibration at CERN Commissioned for  Fluorescent light measurements (Zn, Mo, Ag, Sn) used for Vcal calibration – Uses MoReWeb 12  High rate efficiency measurement – Cross check with bare module test for missing bump-bonds – Still waiting for MoReWeb compatibility

13 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Database Sensor data:  Test results have been loaded in the database Bare module test:  Parameters being put in place by database developers HDI:  Test results have been loaded in the database 13 Module assembly:  Assembled modules have been entered into the database Cold box module qualification:  Test results have been loaded in the database X-ray module calibration:  Not available in database yet

14 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Manpower Coverage for Production 10 modules/week for 25 weeks (7 months)  May 2015 to November 2015 14 Bare module testing HDI testing Alignment and gluing Full module testing Thermal cyclingX-ray calibratio n Expert: Setup and commission the test MercedesRachelRachel, Stefano, Mercedes Rong-ShyangJui-Fa, FrancescoPo-Hsun, Rong- Shyang Time estimate~1 hour/modul e 20 min/ HDI 1 hour/ 3 modules 1 hour/ module9 hours/ 4 modules2-3 hours/mod ule Time estimate (10 modules/week) 12 hours3 hours4 hours10 hours21 hours30 hours CommentMight not need to test all 4 hoursTime estimate does not include debugging ~1 hour effective work for 4 modules, the rest “should” be automatic 30 solid hours Available personnel Mercedes, Anna, Strasbourg student (Jun-Aug) Rachel, Anna, Strasbourg student (Jun-Aug) Rachel, Stefano, Mercedes, Anna Rong-Shyang, Andreas, Mercedes, Jui- Fa, Stefano, Strasbourg student (Jun- Aug) Jui-Fa, Francesco, Strasbourg student (Jun-Aug) Shared by Mercedes, Rong- Shyang, Po-Hsun, 1.5 day each

15 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Production Schedule CERN-NTU-HIP Pre-production 2014  10 bare modules built at Advacam and tested at CERN  8 modules assembled by CERN – 1 bare module given to HIP to test their bare module test stand – 1 module damaged during assembly, being used for alignment – 2 modules given to other production centers – 6 modules tested at CERN for qualification and calibration Bare module production 2015 (295 pieces):  March through October 2015 with 10 modules per week – Will receive 30-39 bare modules before May HDI test 2015 (262 pieces):  Test 20-30 HDIs with TBM08b in before May  Test remainder as received from Catania in late spring and summer Module qualification (236 pieces):  Test one full module per week with TBM08b until TBM08c delivered  Test 10 full modules per week at full speed 15

16 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Conclusion CERN-NTU-HIP is ready to start production of Pixel Phase I Upgrade modules  Once base strips have been received 16

17 February 25, 2015 Back Up Slides 17

18 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Detailed Sensor Calculation CiS production yield = 0.7  an average from Panja’s table of 73% if one takes all good sensors or 67% if one disregards wafers with only 1 good sensor Dicing yield = 0.93  Starodumov’s Good sensor on wafer-> good sensor ready for BB Bump bonding yield = 0.8  Starodumov’s diced good sensor + good ROCs -> good bare module Overall yield is 0.7*0.93*0.8 = 0.52 To make 250 good bare modules we need 250:0.52 = 480 sensors, or 160 wafers, or 6.4 batches of 25 wafers. With three batches in hand CERN needs 3.5 more.  We will discuss at the meeting if someone can share a batch with us. Otherwise we order 4 batches. 18

19 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Other Materials II ReceivedTotal Requested ExpectedComments Jigs44Have allAligning jigs for production Glue stamps26OrderedRecently finalized stamp design Araldite 201112?< 1 week from order Reorder from CERN store when < 2 tubes left Glue nozzles16?< 1 week from order Reorder from CERN store when < 7 nozzles left 19

20 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Pre-Production Review 10 bare modules built at Advacam and tested at CERN  All grade A 8 modules assembled at CERN  1 bare module given to HIP to commission their bare module test stand  1 module damaged during assembly, being used for alignment  2 modules given to other production centers before full qualification  5 modules tested at CERN for qualification and calibration – Two bare modules damaged during bare module test – Two modules lacked glue under HDI bonding pads for wire bonding – Two given to other centers before full qualification and calibration 20

21 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Pre-Production Low Yield Training assembly personnel  Used for aligning the gluing jigs – Handled much more than foreseen in production  Some were assembled more than once – ripped off the HDI to glued second HDI on sensor module Commissioning the test benches  All of them went through the bare module testing many times The goal of the pre-production exercise was to spot the weak and delicate points of the assembly and to write a quality assurance document, which will guide the operators.  Document draft already made  Checklist for assembly and HDI test made 21

22 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Pre-Production Review Bare Module Order Made Damaged During Assembly CommentsAssembly Location Current Location MoRe Web 11 M0329 Glue between ROCs Needed new TBMPSIGiven to Aachen 25 M0336 Scratched during bare module test Fails I-V curve, 3 ROCs scratched, Jig incident CERN 33 M0284 Bump bonds missing in middle Grade C cold box testCERN 42 M0360 Glue between ROCs PSITo PSI for TBM09 tests 5Vacuum incident, damaged corners Given to HIP for bare module test stand 64 M0285 Scratched during bare module test Grade ACERN 76 M0283 Taped to module handle for bonding Grade B cold box test, see slide 23 CERN 87Glued to vacuum head Could not be completely bonded due to glue mess CERNUsing to align jigs 98 M0297 Jig incident? Was heated No Vcal fit ROCs 4, 6, 10, 11 and 15, Cold Box Grade B CERN 10Being used to investigate Digital probe card failure in bare module test stand Flat cable fault CERN 22 Grading algorithms still need to be discussed

23 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek PH Optimization M0283 and M4509 fail at same ROC for PH optimization  Result in Grade B Grading algorithms need to be discussed  pXar and MoReWeb 23 M0283 M4509

24 February 25, 2015 R. Bartek Links to Test Results X-ray  Cold Box  – M0297 needed timing scan at -20°C HDI test  24

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